Animist Pet Damage Bug Verd Spec

Started 9 Nov 2020
by Kappu
in Hibernia
Just curious if anyone else has seen this? I have had a pet been fine doing great damage and then sometimes I cast a pet and I watch my AE damage degrades clear into the double digits... Does anyone know what causes this or has it been reported and looked into?
Mon 9 Nov 2020 4:20 PM by ExcretusMaximus
We were running into that a few months ago as well. You'll be popping Fins for the usual 300-400 damage and then the next pull from the exact same spot you're hitting for 12.
Mon 9 Nov 2020 4:45 PM by Bradekes
My guess would be the pet and mobs glitching where the mob is being detected by the client as further away from the pet than it actually is. I don't know if you ever run melee with your groups but sometimes the mobs aren't attackable when they are attacking the ani pet. You can try raising your ground target dot a bit off the ground when you call your pet or move the location of your pet after the glitched pull and see if that helps.
Mon 9 Nov 2020 5:11 PM by Kappu
Both of these sounds like legitimate answers as I was at the Fins in the NE corner up on the hill and one of them would randomly run through our group and off into the distance but wasn't attackable and there is also one when you go to target and attack it the thing would just disappear. The issue is once the pet was bugged it didn't matter which area in the camp you pulled from the only way to fix it was to kill the pet and recast.

Thanks for the replies!
Tue 10 Nov 2020 3:43 AM by gotwqqd
This has been happening for well over a year

It seems it drops to 10% of damage
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