really need someone to show me some things about templating characters...

Started 27 May 2019
in Crafting
I wanna buy items but I am unsure of what stats i can get from sc gems.

I wana template my healer, SM, SB, and warrior, and shaman. I know if i can figure out what im needing and how its done. I can spend all this plat im sitting on. Maybe someone in game can message me sometime and explain it to me.
Mon 27 May 2019 7:21 AM by REVOLTE
contact me ingame (Revolte, Revoltes, Revoltez, Bermal) or pm me on forums.
Mon 27 May 2019 7:33 AM by Halma
I'd recommend to play around with this:

It's really self-explanatory and you can see what is possible and what is not.
For jewelry (rings, neck, bracer, gem, cloak, belt) you'll need random drops or fixed drops (from dungeons/feathers), armor and weapons are craftable with the stats the program shows you.

Here is a nice introduction as well:
Mon 27 May 2019 4:35 PM by JUSTNSANE
I think the missing link is I never used SC before i played one toon and had someone else do it then and i quit back in day.
I see numbers 33.5 what exactly can go in each gem?
Tue 28 May 2019 7:46 AM by Sepplord
i would recommend using Loki1.4

it has a function that automatically calculates how you need to SC your armor to get optimal stats.
You basically put in as many items yourself as you want, set up which stats you want to give priority and then let the program calculate the optimal setup

i was a bit skeptical at first, but it works really well and can often squeeze out lots of additional Utility
Sun 9 Jun 2019 9:11 AM by Kohi
Mon 27 May 2019 4:35 PM
I think the missing link is I never used SC before i played one toon and had someone else do it then and i quit back in day.
I see numbers 33.5 what exactly can go in each gem?

33.5 is the amount of maximal imbue points u can attribute on an item -in this case a 99% quality item-
37.5 will be the amount for a mp (100% quali) item.

So, basically, u'll try to always have as near as possible from 33.5 or 37.5 IP on each item your scing. Otherwise, it's a waste. 33 or 37 is acceptable, but sometimes u have no choice as to have one item with 36.5 or something like that, all depends. Over those maximal values, u'll not be able to sc the item and have a risk to lose the item (explosion) which can be painful if it's a mp. Not only the quality matters, but also your skill : better being over 1000 sc.

Edit : as Sepplord recommanded above my post, Loki is one of the most used sc prog out there, the other one (which i use) being Mora.
Wed 12 Jun 2019 4:42 PM by Leandrys
Go for Zenkcraft, by far, simplifies a lot crafter's and player's life compared to Loki, automtically setting gems to quickbars,easy in game dev'ing items, auto calculator and much better UI.
Thu 13 Jun 2019 2:38 PM by Gorgoroth
Making your SC is much easier as you may think.

Follow those steps and you do well:

1. Decide which Epic dungeon Items and/or other feather items you want to have in your SC. Nothing is really mandatory, but at least the TG chest is recommended, depends on your character, TG weapons too. (If its too hard to decide for a first time self made SC, pick the TG chest, craft the rest)

2. Use Zenkcraft (in the crafting section of this fotum) to build your SC.

3. Go to the market explorer or your vault and pick the best character specific jewelery you have, and add it to Zenkcraft. How this is done is explained in the short video tutorial... super easy.

(Why start with jewelery? Because they are randomly generated and nobody has exactly the same sc as soneone else).

4. Use 99% or 100% quality crafted pieces in the tool and see if you can max out everything . If not, replace the rog jewelery for better ones (and more expensive). Then repeat step 4. Till you have everything on max.

5. In the tool, create a report. Thats what you send to the SCer in game to craft the gems.

6. Dont forget to contact your alchemist for procs.

7. The temp for an SB, if you want the best weapons included in the SC, is very expensive. That can be 30 plat or more if you dont have good rogs and need to buy them i know... trust me.

8. Enjoy.

Kind regards.
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