Easy Peasy SC808/GC800...

Started 5 May 2020
by gotwqqd
in Crafting
Here is an easy way to get sc/gc to levels for most everything except overcharge.

You will need
170-190 gems of each tier
Swamp fog or equivalent

You only make vapor gems...vapor=swamp fog
I used five gems
x23, x41, x58, x79, x99
The above is for alb
Watery leviathan blood

This is hib

Try to keep 3stacks of 200 swamp fog and refill when necessary
Keep all ingredients in bag 5
Creat macro for bags 1-4 selling

When you START buy essence of life x30 (Vapor essence jewel) just to get closer to x23

x99 is used after visit for x00

Total Cost: 808sc/800gc Approx. 2 plat 100gold
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