I've run into some trouble trying to make gear for my Thidranki toons and I'm wondering if I'm missing something here. While skilling up on tailoring, for example, which I always use orange items and sometimes yellow if no orange is available, I get 99% items popping out all the time and even the occasional MP, so I don't think there's any kind of hard cap that says you can't craft above 98% while an item is yellow or higher to you. Yet twice now I've had what seems like an extremely unlucky streak, taking 38 attempts to make a 99% chestpiece a couple weeks ago and just now 48 attempts to make 99% leggings. Is there some rule I'm missing here? Can anyone tell me the percentage chance to make a 99% item and is it based on the item's con to your skill? I am not LGM yet. Both times was I was around 700 skill, first time in Hib and tonight in Mid.