I was messing around on Mid but want to try something different for once. Problem is I know little about Alb and have no clue what to play. I have been looking over the Uthgard char planner at each classes abilities and trying to figure out if I would like them or not. Pretty much all I know is the core Alb group requires 2x cleric, Mins, and Sorc but I have literally zero interest in playing any of those. Same goes for Theurg. Paladins are PvE gods but awful in RvR so lets scratch them off too. Also im not getting Carpal Tunnel again like I did when I played an EQ bard with all the stupid twisting. I really want to play Reaver but thats proly not gonna get me any groups. So I guess that leaves Arms, Merc, Wizard, and Cabalist. Cabalist seems more like a hybrid DPS/Support since you gotta be nearsighting and diseasing. Wizards are awesome on Live now but no idea how they are in this era. Dont know anything about Arms other than they wear plate. I know Merc is Albs dual wield class and I loved playing Berserker and Savage so might start there if Mercs are actually wanted for groups.