Theurgist or Wizard - Which is the better all around caster for a newcomer?

Started 31 Aug 2020
by DinoTriz
in Albion
I plan on Zerging a lot. Love taking keeps and whatnot.

I also don't have a money making character on Alb, so I'm interested in the farming aspect between the two classes.

Anything else. Pve grouping, etc.
Tue 1 Sep 2020 2:06 AM by ExcretusMaximus
Wizard, you can spec ice and join bomb farm groups, or you can spec earth and do ae dot pulls to farm.

Theurg is an 8man character, and while it can function in a zerg, it won't be as effective as a wizard at zerg surfing.
Tue 1 Sep 2020 3:35 AM by gotwqqd
I’d say the speed alone of the theurgist if you are considering any solo play is bonus.
45 wind earth for pulse pbt
If you running with Zerg go wizard
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