ROG places to solo?

Started 22 Feb 2019
by infectionest13
in Albion
Just hit 50 and looking for a place to grind for ROG drops, I'm a Paladin and can handle OJ/Red mobs but not sure where the best solo spot would be, any help would be appreciated !
Fri 22 Feb 2019 7:56 PM by Dimir
Avalon City will give you Oj/Reds to kill.
The needler mobs in Lynn Barfog are I believe red, but also drop some non-rog weapons that are better for salvaging, so that's an added perk if you can do those.
Sun 24 Feb 2019 10:54 PM by Frieza
can someone tell us what the ROG spots are possibly?

Ive heard theres a loop in LB but you need a FG to do it, but if you did that, how good are the drops normally? (yes i know its random), but will you alway get an item with 60+ util?

Also, i know on other servers, you could get an ani/theurg + healers and could solo some named mobs and farm their items for some really good $$, is it the same here? can anyone tell me who on alb this works with?
Mon 25 Feb 2019 4:24 AM by alusnova415
The LB boss loop will drop ROG but not always 60+ however since you are killing them a lot you will get 60+ ROGs, our group got a 99 utility once from them . Only problem is when several groups are competing for them.

Other than forming a group any oj+ will give you better chance to drop them (red + better ) I have gotten 2 70+ solo , several 60.
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