Paladin/Albion/Duo Inquiries

Started 1 Feb 2019
by Arshesmaral
in Albion
Hello everyone, I just had some questions about Albion, as my wife and I are considering making some characters on Alb for some variety and fun, but I had a quick couple questions before we commit. Some of the folks in Apex already provided very helpful opinions, but more is always welcomed.

•1• Paladins are what I am most interested in playing, so I am curious how they are regarded with Phoenix's changes to them, with the additional skill points and damage table increase. I fully realise that I won't be on Armsman-Polearm or Dual Wielding Merc levels of damage output, but how are Paladins with two-handers now? Is their damage output appreciable in RvR? Being able to spec high into Chants/Two Hander/Shield/Weapon/Parry with their abundance of skill points is very appealing, so being able to switch from Shield/Two Hander on the fly, while still having Chants, is very tempting.

•2• Duoing, I think we're either going to make a Pally/Friar or Pally/Minstrel - which would you think would be better for getting XP groups, and eventually, joining RvR teams? Is Albion similar with Hibernia in the 'if you're not an Animist/Healer/PBAoE, we don't want you' sort of mentality where playing a non-optimal class is difficult to find groups? I realise Friars with their baseline buffs and limited healing would be appealing to many XP groups, but would a Minstrel also be wanted for their Power Song/Health Regen/Pet Damage?

•3• I've seen some people say that Albion levelling spots seem to be rather sparse (especially compared to Hibernia) - do you find that getting good XP spots to be difficult or annoying?

Thank you in advance for any opinions or suggestions.
Fri 1 Feb 2019 6:46 PM by moghedan
Paladin/anything works, PVE.

The minstrel can literally be afk 100% of the time and the paladin will still be chaining mobs. However, Mez, Charm, Heal Song, and Runspeed are all very good additions to the Paladin skillset... arguably better than any other single class's contribution.

As for the paladin itself? In PVE, kill speed is noticeably increased... you are no longer just waiting for the mob to get tired of punching you and fall over. You will be the basic leader of any melee group, and you can insist on the minstrel being invited. However, our clout is somewhat diminished now that the Cabalist and wizards strip mining groups are stealing all the Clerics and Sorcerers. Still, a paladin can make a functional group out of seven anythings, and that ability is magnified here. Alone, the minstrel will be utterly ignored outside of battlegrounds until 50.

In PVP, the old mindset remains... no one will talk to you except to ask for a rez. The minstrel can get you in if they insist, however. In practice, the paladin will win a lot of 1v1 interactions and has a lot to offer a group, but it is an uphill climb.

As for the realm itself... it's a mess and its not going to get better. People that wanted to play melee went Mid; the server elitists went HIb as the server custom changes heavily favor that realm. Albion is exclusively people that REALLY like Albion... and the clueless masses.
Fri 1 Feb 2019 6:47 PM by FFpheonix
With Pally/Minst you can make your own groups for leveling and RvR.
Fri 1 Feb 2019 7:09 PM by Blitze
Friar/paladin is an excellent pve duo and will kill much faster than pala/mins. Also they should be able to duo epic mobs at 50 e.g. Moran. Both classes solo very well anyway and are both wanted in pve groups.

However in RvR...

Friar/pala will be tough as you have no runspeed. Generally the best small grps or soloers do best with speed or stealth so they do not become food for bigger grps. (Ive still had lots of fun soloing with a friar on this type of server/patch level).

So to the minstrel...
Minstrel has arguably the highest skill ceiling in the game.. but if you can reach it RvR will be very much fun for you.

And now for something completely different...

As a left field choice consider Pala/reaver as it is a brilliant duo too with Pala taunting and reaver destroying with positionals. Also with guard (shield skill) they can block for each other’s attacks.
Sat 2 Feb 2019 12:14 AM by Arshesmaral
Thank you all for the recommendations and opinions. We decided to start with a Paladin/Friar combo, but already have discussed making Cleric/Necro for farming, and Minstrel/Infiltrator for stealth play.
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