Necro/Cleric or Cabby/Cleric?

Started 4 May 2020
by Quik
in Albion
So I was going to start a cabby and lvl him up to join my friend, but we decided to jut start from scratch together and make this duo strictly for PvE RoG/cash/feather farming.

Question is which is better as a duo for this?

Necro/Cleric or Cabby/Cleric?

Also, should the cleric just go all buff spec and rest in healing?

Should the necro go Servant instead of Sight with a dedicated cleric partner?

Should the cabby still go Matter and use dots or will focus pulling be better? I heard focus pulling was heavily nerfed but I haven't tried it in over a year.
Tue 5 May 2020 4:35 AM by howjaabah
I’d say which you prefer depends on how engaged you want to be. Want to stand still and DD stuff down? Go the Necro round and chain pull oranges/reds forever but it is frightfully boring. Want to AE dot a bunch of mobs and deal with kiting and the pain that can be, go with Cab.

The Necro will be helpful with high end PvE content whereas the Cab may need a different spec. If you decide to RvR the Cab would more desirable with more options (matter for BG surfing, spirit/body for 8man/small man).

As for the cleric I’d go full enhance. DS spec for the Necro you can alternate between LT and Power tab to keep power up but also heal pet, so no heals needed from the cleric. This’ll be more true of cleric stuns at range and even tosses in some DDs. Same applies for Cab routine except less stunning since it’ll spread out mobs.
Fri 8 May 2020 6:30 AM by Anelyn77
I'd advice for necro / cleric duo, gives you more options farming wise. Like DF you can chain red / low purps for seals w/o worries, caba / cleric is strictly limited to outside specific camps (large numbers of green / blue mobs) due to kitting requirements.

Also necros are really good for RvR too, be it BG or 8m, peeps will love you for abla + power transfer, you can easily rupt and assist (and generally ignored as on your own you don't pose a direct threat like other casters would - which gives you more room to position and assist your group in the fight).

No idea how it's now with 1k tether range and only 30% dmg on crits, but before that I was doing 400-600 (with crits) vs buffed resists, nothing to scoff of at (obv not same level of dmg as debuff casters). Also you can snare from range targets that are not under your MA fire to make it difficult for their group to function (harder to position / reposition for healers / casters when snared). Just make sure to communicate when your pet is rooted or mezzed so that group knows you can't follow (normally save your purge for the root if SoS not available and you must relocate, stun is not a problem your pet won't get main target nuke assisted when there are other priority targets for enemy, and mezz will be cured + NS).
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