Most desired Cleric spec(s) for 8man / small man and zerg

Started 23 Sep 2019
by CaliHotplate
in Albion
Which do you think is the better spec to take overall, or is there another highly recommended one between the these three?

40 Rej / 36 Enh
+100% rez
+3.5s nearsight cure
+lvl 39 spread heal
+lvl 36 standard group heal
+75% group insta heal
-blue dex/qui
-yellow brain
-no pbaoe dmg in smite (or could go to 35 enh and pick it up but lose yellow spirit res buff)?
-blue defensive heal proc
-blue energy resist buff

35 Rej / 40 Enh
+yellow dex/qui
+yellow energy resist buff
+yellow defensive heal proc
+75% group insta heal
-yellow brain
+pbaoe dmg in smite
-50% rez
-6s nearsight cure
-lvl 30 spread heal

33 Rej / 42 Enh
+yellow dex/qui
+yellow energy resist buff
+yellow defensive heal proc
+red brain
+pbaoe dmg in smite
-50% group insta heal
-50% rez
-6s nearsight cure
-lvl 30 spread heal
Mon 23 Sep 2019 6:53 PM by CaliHotplate
Personally I am leaning towards 40 rej/36 enh for pretty much all situations in general as yellow dex/qui i think is an easy thing to just farm a potion for, and even red brain isn't bad either to get a pot for I would think? I could think heavier enh is good for small man, or in a 8man since you'd running two clerics anyhow one could be 40 or 42 enh and the other a 40 rej?

The reason why I included dd pbaoe is because of it's utility in exposing stealths and for a quick interrupt. I think Spirit Resist > dd pbaoe though.
Tue 24 Sep 2019 4:01 PM by chewchew
    41rej, 35enh (the 41rej greater heal is better than the 36 spirit resist buff since the 2nd cleric will do spirit resist buff anyway)
    33rej, 42enh (the 42enh acuity buff is nice, since most groups are caster heavy i think)
Tue 24 Sep 2019 4:44 PM by romulus
I tend to favor more rejuv due to the near-ubiquity of buff pots. I started a cleric spec document a while ago and never completed it. Here is a little bit of it.

Cleric Specifications Explained

There are many specs that a cleric can take to viability. Here are a couple of them.

| sc: str/con | bo: body | mj: major heal | da: damage add |
| dq: dex/qui | en: energy | gr: greater heal | mz: pbaoe mesmerize |
| ac: acuity | sp: spirit | gp: group spec heal | dd: smite dd |
| hr: health-regen | | si: single-target instaheal % | pb: pbaoe smite |
| af: armor factor | | gi: group instaheal % | ao: aoe smite |
| md: melee damage | | rz: resurrection | |
| hp: heal-proc | | ns: nearsight heal (1/2) | |
| | | sh: spread heal | |

* Generalists

| Crusader: 40e 36r 4s |
| Buffs | Resists | Heals | Smites |
| sc | dq | ac | hr | af | md | hp | bo | en | sp | mj | gr | gp | si | gi | rz | ns | sh | da | mz | dd | pb | ao |
| yw | yw | yw | yw | yw | yw | yw | yw | yw | yw | yw | bl | yw | 80 | 50 | 50 | 1 | bl | 1 | 9s | - | - | - |
| The Crusader is a good spec for a cleric that is going to be a primary buffer in a group. With full yellow buffs, |
| you will be expected to provide buffs to tanks and casters alike. Your heals are very good as well, and you can |
| provide constant healing output for all but the most concentrated of attacks on your tanks. |

| Templar: 40r 36e 4s |
| Buffs | Resists | Heals | Smites |
| sc | dq | ac | hr | af | md | hp | bo | en | sp | mj | gr | gp | si | gi | rz | ns | sh | da | mz | dd | pb | ao |
| yw | bl | ye | ye | ye | ye | yw | yw | bl | yw | yw | bl | yw | 80 | 50 | 100 | 2 | yw | 1 | 9s | - | - | - |
| The Templar is a standard build that trades the yellow dex/qui buff and yellow energy resist buff of the Crusader |
| for a larger spreadheal, a larger rez, and fast nearsight cure. You still have the blue dex/qui buff for dex-based |
| characters. |

* Healers

| Apothecary: 42r 33e 7s |
| Buffs | Resists | Heals | Smites |
| sc | dq | ac | hr | af | md | hp | bo | en | sp | mj | gr | gp | si | gi | rz | ns | sh | da | mz | dd | pb | ao |
| bl | bl | yw | yw | bl | yw | bl | yw | bl | bl | yw | bl | yw | 100 | 50 | 100 | 2 | yw | 1 | 9s | - | - | - |
| The Apothecary is a dedicated healer. The 100% ST insta heal will ensure that you can bring one groupmate back from |
| the brink. You also have a powerful greater heal for concentrated heals on one character. The downside to this spec |
| is the weak buffs: mostly blues. This shouldn't be a problem in groups where there is a buffer present and you are |
| simply buffing bases. |

| Hospitaler: 43r 32e 6s |
| Buffs | Resists | Heals | Smites |
| sc | dq | ac | hr | af | md | hp | bo | en | sp | mj | gr | gp | si | gi | rz | ns | sh | da | mz | dd | pb | ao |
| bl | bl | yw | yw | bl | yw | bl | bl | bl | bl | rd | bl | yw | 100 | 50 | 100 | 2 | yw | 1 | 9s | - | - | - |
| The Hospitaler is a slight variation on the Apothecary that downgrades the yellow body resist to blue, but |
| increases the major heal to red. A powerful spec for a primary healer in a 2-cleric group. Expect this spec to |
| struggle in groups where there is not a buffing cleric available to provide stronger resists and yellow or higher |
| buffs, though the healing capabilities of the spec can make it possible to heal-through the buff short-comings. |

| Lifegiver: 50r 20e 4s |
| Buffs | Resists | Heals | Smites |
| sc | dq | ac | hr | af | md | hp | bo | en | sp | mj | gr | gp | si | gi | rz | ns | sh | da | mz | dd | pb | ao |
| gr | gr | gr | gr | gr | bl | bl | - | - | - | rd | rd | rd | 100 | 100 | 100 | 2 | rd | 1 | 9s | - | - | - |
| The Lifegiver is not a common spec because it sacrifices all practical buffing in favor of extreme healing |
| capacity. The red major heal is good enough to bring a near-death tank to full health with a single cast, though |
| without a strong composite rejuv score you will have some variance to deal with. Red spreadheal and 100% group |
| instas give the healer a lot of insta-heal power as well. Not a spec to try without a 2nd enhance cleric in group. |

| Medic: 50r 20s 4e |
| Buffs | Resists | Heals | Smites |
| sc | dq | ac | hr | af | md | hp | bo | en | sp | mj | gr | gp | si | gi | rz | ns | sh | da | mz | dd | pb | ao |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | rd | rd | rd | 100 | 100 | 100 | 2 | rd | 1 | 9s | - | - | - |
| The medic is a variation of the Lifegiver that trades all spec enhance for increased survivability in smite. AOE |
| smites and casted smites allow for weak damage, and allow the cleric to tag enemies for higher gains on raids and |
| in RvR, though care must be taken to avoid breaking mezzes. PBAoE mezz gets a little less resistability and sticks |
| for 15s, which allows a better chance to escape a single bad situation. You can still give good base buffs, but the |
| temptation to smite instead of heal must be resisted. |

| Combat Medic: 48r 24s 6e |
| Buffs | Resists | Heals | Smites |
| sc | dq | ac | hr | af | md | hp | bo | en | sp | mj | gr | gp | si | gi | rz | ns | sh | da | mz | dd | pb | ao |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | rd | yw | rd | 100 | 100 | 100 | 2 | rd | 1 | 9s | - | - | - |
| The Combat Medic is mostly the same as the medic with a downgrade of the red greater heal to yellow, but addition |
| of some additional smite power, and higher damage add. Healing variance on the greater heal should be lower |
| allowing for consistent high-power healing. |

* Smiters

* Buffers

| Zealot: 50e 20r 6s |
| Buffs | Resists | Heals | Smites |
| sc | dq | ac | hr | af | md | hp | bo | en | sp | mj | gr | gp | si | gi | rz | ns | sh | da | mz | dd | pb | ao |
| rd | rd | rd | rd | rd | yw | rd | rd | rd | rd | bl | bl | bl | 40 | - | 25 | 1 | - | 1 | 9s | - | - | - |
| The Zealot is a typical spec for buff bots and farming characters. Heals are generally weak, though sufficient for |
| supporting a farming toon (like a cabalist or necro). Variance on the baseline heals is high, however, which limits |
| the effectiveness as a healer until higher RR is achieved. |

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