Looking for help understanding 2H/Slam paladin build.

Started 16 Jan 2019
by Duckman
in Albion
I am just about to cap my cleric and I am thinking about options for an alt and I am trying to get a better understanding of the 2H RvR Paly.

First, with a 2H spec (focused on RvR) what role (if any) would I have in PvE? Does that build have a spot in group PvE? Can it solo-farm well?

I see a number of people mentioning 2H + Shield (Slam) specs. Are you looking for a slow 2H weapon and swapping in a shield between swings? Are you doing that while twisting chants? (Does my insurance cover carpal tunnel?)

Interested in what the specs look like and if possible links to video showing the corresponding playstyle.
Wed 16 Jan 2019 9:50 PM by SpoonyBard
I'm curious as well. Coming from someone who has never played DaoC before, i'm curious to see how each class plays out, endgame, due to the changes made on this shard.

It's difficult to get a feel with live builds for some of the more heavily changed classes from live.
Thu 17 Jan 2019 12:11 AM by Turtle006
Generally, for RvR you use the 2h and swap to shield to slam when needed. For PvE IMO if you are the main tank holding aggro you want to be 1h/shield.

It is possible to swap to shield in between 2h swings, yes. And it can be done while twisting.l, my old roommate used to do it all the time. No, it is ot easy on the hands.
Mon 21 Jan 2019 9:14 PM by Seigmoraig
You would use the 2H weapon as your bread and butter in PvP and switch out to the shield only when you need to Slam somebody and switch right back to the 2H
You won't be switching to your shield between 2H swings.
That being said, if your insurance doesn't cover carpal tunnel, you might want to look into an Autohotkey program ( from the rules page: 5. Macroing
It is allowed to bind multiple actions to a key, however, delays, repeats, and conditions are strictly forbidden as well as any other means that allow unattended game-play ) which would make it so that you would only need to press 1 button to spam your chants
Tue 22 Jan 2019 2:19 AM by t0beyeus
In RvR the purpose of the spec if you open with Slam which you get at 42 Shield spec. Then you swap to your Two-Handed weapon and then use your Rear Positional Style chain (Doubler -> Sun and Moon) via running through the enemy and using /face to quickly face your target from behind. You will be roaming with your one handed weapon and shield for the added chance to block arrows and bolts for yourself and Guard(ed) teammate.

The spec will be 50 Two-Handed / 42 Shield / 46-48 Chants / 31-34 Slash and remainder in Parry
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