Hello, to address the new style review wrt. Friars melee Staff line.
Good bits
1. great anytime
2. great snare styles (after evade, back and side)
Bad bits
1. no useable after parry (currently at 50staff)
2. no useable long stuns (currrently at 44staff in a 3part chain)
3. two sets of after evade chains
4. a set of defunct anytimes
Good bits
1. sidestun and sideDD added.
2. After parry ASR and then 8s stun, two-part chain.
Meh bits
1. The backsnare lowered to 18Staff
2. A two-part Low damage anytime-chain with 75 DD was added at 50style (seems too unattractive to lose red-buffs over)
Bad bits
1. The great anytime is gone (bad for melee-Friar)
2. The evadesnare is gone (Bad for all Friar).
3. The lvl 15 sidesnare is gone. (Bad for heal-friar).
These changes do not really improve the Friar whilst sticking to it's current playstyle, as you lose a good anytime and great snares for a good parry chain and a good Dmg sidechain.
The melee Friar now will play considerably more like a VW... and this encourages them to the strafelag-exploit sidestyle abuse mechanic.
(i would add the current blank lvl 6 style to a front positional (20healproc) style akin to the live figure eight. to at least give melee Friars back a decent 1v1 anytime)
Good bits
1. great anytime
2. great snare styles (after evade, back and side)
Bad bits
1. no useable after parry (currently at 50staff)
2. no useable long stuns (currrently at 44staff in a 3part chain)
3. two sets of after evade chains
4. a set of defunct anytimes
Good bits
1. sidestun and sideDD added.
2. After parry ASR and then 8s stun, two-part chain.
Meh bits
1. The backsnare lowered to 18Staff
2. A two-part Low damage anytime-chain with 75 DD was added at 50style (seems too unattractive to lose red-buffs over)
Bad bits
1. The great anytime is gone (bad for melee-Friar)
2. The evadesnare is gone (Bad for all Friar).
3. The lvl 15 sidesnare is gone. (Bad for heal-friar).
These changes do not really improve the Friar whilst sticking to it's current playstyle, as you lose a good anytime and great snares for a good parry chain and a good Dmg sidechain.
The melee Friar now will play considerably more like a VW... and this encourages them to the strafelag-exploit sidestyle abuse mechanic.
(i would add the current blank lvl 6 style to a front positional (20healproc) style akin to the live figure eight. to at least give melee Friars back a decent 1v1 anytime)