Class suggestion for noob

Started 1 Oct 2018
by Bobbylight
in Albion
Hello all,

I want to try DAoC with my brother. Im an mmorpg veteran but not very experienced in DAoC. My brother tends to play as a sorcerer. He has a cleric friend he plays with.

I am looking for a solid class to join them. He said minstrel would be best but after reading about them it doesnt sound appealing to me. He also mentioned armsman or reaver if I want to melee. Caster wise he recommended cabalist or theurg.

He normally plays melee characters and is new to alb sorc so didnt have any experience with these classes. I just wanted to see what other experienced daoc players would recommend to duo with a sorc or trio with sorc cleric. Thanks for any helpful tips in advance!
Mon 1 Oct 2018 5:36 PM by Patron
Would suggest Caba because of debuff resis from sorc or arms or merc for lil defense... I think sorc caba cleric is a very competent farming trio for equip.
Have fun on Phoenix and we see us on the battlefield
Mon 1 Oct 2018 5:43 PM by romulus
Welcome to Albion!

Look me up when you are in-game and I can help with gearing, quest-runs, crafting and the like.
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