Stealth detection based on Stealth spec

Started 23 Aug 2018
by Ganaka
in Suggestions
Should stealth classes that put no points in stealth be able to detect stealthers? Yes/no and why?
Thu 23 Aug 2018 6:15 PM by heardstheword
Should classes that put no points in their weapon be given max weapon damage? Yes/no and why?

Sarcasm aside, non-stealth classes can see stealthers, albeit at a very small radius. I imagine 0 stealth would give the same stealth detection as a Healer, which is how it works now.

Are you asking for 0-stealth spec stealthers to have large detection radius? I'm confused by this topic.
Thu 23 Aug 2018 8:10 PM by Zansobar
The only thing I can make out by the title of the post is the OP is requesting that stealth detection be based on actual stealth spec and not composite stealth spec (like it is now). That way someone who specs 50 into stealth has to give up other items to be more hidden from stealthers and to better detect other stealthers...right now you can spec 35 or so with Realm Rank bonuses and still get to 50 composite fairly quickly.
Thu 23 Aug 2018 8:19 PM by phixion
Zansobar wrote:
Thu 23 Aug 2018 8:10 PM
The only thing I can make out by the title of the post is the OP is requesting that stealth detection be based on actual stealth spec and not composite stealth spec (like it is now). That way someone who specs 50 into stealth has to give up other items to be more hidden from stealthers and to better detect other stealthers...right now you can spec 35 or so with Realm Rank bonuses and still get to 50 composite fairly quickly.

Yeah that's a terrible idea, it will turn the stealth war from an "even" playing field to a very uneven one. You might as well bring back Camo and real MoS and have archers shooting Assassins to death before they can get anywhere near them.
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