Spell Levels Adjustment Suggestion

Started 27 Jan 2021
by Nephamael
in Suggestions
Hey guys, this is mostly for 8v8.

I would appreciate if the 8v8 counsel board picks this up for the next round.


1) Runemaster

last resist debuff from 48 to 45 rc spec

(this would open up a similar spec like for lightment getting grey nearsight on top of last resist debuff and decent dark spec)

last snare dd from 50 to 47 or 48 supp spec (its a 3.0 casttime 179 delve dd - i don't see why we wouldnt make this one a viable option for the mid spirit assist - dps wise it cant compete with the base spirit dd)


1) Ench

last resist debuff from 49 to 47 or 45

2) Eld

last str/c debuff from 49 to 48

(this would open up 48 mana/24 light as a viable spec for the hib energy train) (sm/sorc have red str/c at 43 specline)

last snare dd from 50 to 48 or 47, (same as for RM a 3.0 casttime 179 delve dd should be at least a viable choice even if dps can't compete with the baseline energy dd)


1) Wizard

Snare dd from 50 specline to 47 or 48 (same reason as RM and Eld)


I also strongly suggest all baseline nukes to have either 2.6s casttime or 2.5s casttime.

Right now Hib and Mid have 2.6s and Alb has 2.5s on baseline lifetaps!! the strongest kind of nuke, as it not just does the same dmg but heals the caster.

Also putting all baseline dds to 30 manacost seems a good idea to me.
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