So clearly tasks arent going away so how about we spread out the action?

Started 17 Feb 2019
by Tanakeo
in Suggestions
since tasks clearly arent going away, and the reduced bonus post r4 seems obsolete how about we spread out the action by keeping the tasks, and make them active in all 3 realms at the same time so if its

If emain is the active zone, then activate odins gate and hadrians wall aswell.
If attack/defend Beno, then activate attack/defend Crauch and Bled aswell.
If dominate Breifine, then activate dominate jamtland and peninne aswell.

a large portion of this server is being forced into surfing the task zone to even earn rps, cus quite frankly there isnt realy an alternative, not only does it force zerg v zerg action, it severely limits smallman/solo/duo play because the other zones are frankly dead.

and longterm it only feeds the higher set and guild groups to even more imbalanced rvr...

spread out the action, it will give people the confidence to try something other than sat out of los on a bonfire putting up 25 shrooms...
Sun 17 Feb 2019 5:36 PM by Quik
I have a strong feeling that most people in game are enjoying the RvR tasks and the chaos in the zones they are occurring.

I really don't think (or expect) the GM's to suddenly change what has been an immensely popular idea that is creating a TON more RvR then any freeshard I have played since live.

I understand a lot of people her on the boards don't like it, but the reality is only something like 5% of the typical player base ever reads or posts on the forums. I remember an article a year or so ago talking about this, so I really don't think the GM's are going to fix what isn't broken right now.

Also, not sure spreading things out when it IS so popular is a good idea in general.

I know soloers want more action, but the GM's need to focus on what a majority of the players want and at least when I am playing their current system is something most people love. I rarely see anyone in game complain but I see a TON of messages in /region and /advice and /as all talking about how much fun DAoC is again.
Sun 17 Feb 2019 5:41 PM by Ceen
Yeah most people are here and leaving th PK BECAUSE of the tasks.
They hand out a tiny reward and winnable fights for everyone.

Spreading out the action is the opposite and will lead to like 5 % of the players cheering and 95 % simple going back to PvE.
No thanks.
Sun 17 Feb 2019 8:41 PM by defiasbandit
Something needs to be done. Having 2 tasks going on at the same time would be an improvement at this point.
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