RvR Leaderboards/Ladder Idea

Started 24 Aug 2018
by defiasbandit
in Suggestions
I noticed the new /stats rp and I think it is pretty great. It got me reminiscing about the old Camelot Herald. I was thinking it could be expanded to show rankings based on group size (solo, duo, smallman, 8man). There could be an ingame UI panel showing the top 100 or so of each group size. Everyone could be assigned a ranking based on their group size when they earned RP. So earning RP while solo will count towards the solo leaderboard etc.. Maybe there could be titles or cosmetic rewards based on what rank you achieve on the ladder.

I am all for realm pride first and foremost, but l feel this would add a healthy layer of competition to RvR. Every month or so the ladder could reset from scratch like in a season. I think it is focal for the longevity of the server to have a ladder element such as this. DAOC is no moba or fps, but I am convinced this could work without upsetting the trirealm tug of war that is RvR.
Fri 24 Aug 2018 9:48 PM by schreon
Hi, I like that idea. However I believe the ladder reset frequency should be determined by looking at common holiday lengths or sicktimes.

I guess most players will have a chance to play many hours within a time frame like that once in a while. But if you design the length of a season longer than that, the jobless hardcore players will always dominate those ladders.

Probably an all-time ladder just for showing off would be nice, plus a weekly ladder which actually grants some rewards.

Like, getting into the weekly top 10 for your class grants you a reward the first time you get there and very minor rewards for repetitions.
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