What happened to realm pride? What has become of the destructive unrelenting conflict between Hibernia, Midgard, and Albion? What happened to conquest and victory for your home realm?
Dark Age of Camelot was a game where allegiance and community mattered. You fought and pillaged enemy realms in order to empower your own. Unfortunately, the server has sort of devolved into shallow RP farming. The RvR needs to feel like a war across the Frontiers again, where stakes and consequences encourage players to fight. Where your realm can claim victory over the enemy. The server has sort of lost sight of what defined Dark Age of Camelot.
Dark Age of Camelot was a game where allegiance and community mattered. You fought and pillaged enemy realms in order to empower your own. Unfortunately, the server has sort of devolved into shallow RP farming. The RvR needs to feel like a war across the Frontiers again, where stakes and consequences encourage players to fight. Where your realm can claim victory over the enemy. The server has sort of lost sight of what defined Dark Age of Camelot.