RvR Emain port solution.

Started 17 May 2019
by Sektor
in Suggestions
I was sitting around thinking how to solve this emain centric pvp situation and ways to make it equal for all, these are my thoughts:

1.Make the realms keeps near the mile gates (Dun Crauchon, Bledmeer Faste, and Caer Benowyc) un capturable and a direct line to port for each faction.

2. Make the keeps a one way street with no ability to port back to the factions main portal keep. Perhaps also make the doors one way so players cannot re-enter the keeps.

This change would seem to make everyone happy. Thoughts?
Fri 17 May 2019 6:48 AM by Gosainkunda
As long as I dont have to run 8 mins to emain as a hib Im happy. So I am happy a third of the task time.
Fri 17 May 2019 7:08 AM by Sepplord
Sektor wrote:
Fri 17 May 2019 5:37 AM
This change would seem to make everyone happy. Thoughts?

Never think that there are changes that "make everyone happy"

That's just not possible

As druth likes to say:
If you can't think of any downsides, you haven't thought enough about your suggestion.
Fri 17 May 2019 7:28 AM by Dramead
Wonder if the devs read this stuff. Soooo many threads of people asking for a Hib/Emain PvP solution and still nothing.. Hell even albs and mids are saying hibs need a fast route to Emain. I do not recall seeing many thread about changing buffs but that happened . Why is it the stuff people ask for the most never gets done ?
Fri 17 May 2019 7:37 AM by Sepplord
Dramead wrote:
Fri 17 May 2019 7:28 AM
Wonder if the devs read this stuff. Soooo many threads of people asking for a Hib/Emain PvP solution and still nothing.. Hell even albs and mids are saying hibs need a fast route to Emain. I do not recall seeing many thread about changing buffs but that happened . Why is it the stuff people ask for the most never gets done ?

they read everything. And if you have neither seen the posts about buffchanges/chargecosts/etc. nor the ones against teleporting then YOU are the one not reading everything but somehow still feel as if you need to make remarks about how many people are asking for which things, and to top it of accuse the devs of being incompetent

1/10 comment
Fri 17 May 2019 11:10 AM by MiNDmaZing
As playing in Hib now after mid, i can say these buffing up in ligen and then running 6-7 minutes to get to the action just to get zerged is boring. Also there are
too few bards for running more smallmen grps. As a mid i go out of the portal keep and get some action in under 2 minutes... In Mid / alb Zones there are circling 3-4 hibgrps to chase down some smallman or if its high max one mid/alb grp during CET prime time. I dont want to lose a word about the CET morning, where one lvl 50 bard is online.
/who emain 1 nightshade
/who breifine one lvl grp
45% rp underpop bonus....

for now i am patient, but if its stays like this i will go back to mid.
Fri 17 May 2019 1:17 PM by Joc
Emain is already a zergfest. I like that people fight in all 3 realms. I think a port to emain would make it worse.

The population still supports open rvr in all three frontiers, but I could see a need for this if population drops.
Fri 17 May 2019 1:25 PM by Sektor
Joc wrote:
Fri 17 May 2019 1:17 PM
Emain is already a zergfest. I like that people fight in all 3 realms. I think a port to emain would make it worse.

The population still supports open rvr in all three frontiers, but I could see a need for this if population drops.

People don’t fight in all 3. Everyone is in emain except hibs. It wouldn’t make it more or less zergy than it is already.
Fri 17 May 2019 1:33 PM by Joc
My rps are mostly out of alb and mid frontiers and I never have an issue finding action. Though I play primetime, so maybe its different in off times.
Fri 17 May 2019 3:40 PM by Tamtrooper
Joc wrote:
Fri 17 May 2019 1:33 PM
My rps are mostly out of alb and mid frontiers and I never have an issue finding action. Though I play primetime, so maybe its different in off times.

It is different late night NA times. All the action is in Emain. I run in a visi smallman group almost exclusively and it is just not worth it for us to run up there and die to the FGs. If we could port to Emain we'd have no problem coming back after deaths time after time. There is not enough action in the other places to have fun imo.
Fri 17 May 2019 3:45 PM by Auberne
The same problem existed in 2001-2 that occurs now. The terrain, keep placement and location of mile gates favor Emain as an entry point to RVR. When you compare that, and by association Mt Collory, Briefine and Crauchon Gorge, you have what equates to a golf course with 360 degree views. You go to Pennines or Upland and you'll be lucky to see an 8 man / BG until you feel the lag and they are on top of you.

I played from day 1 and I can tell you that by the time NF came out, the hatred of mile gate stand offs at Email (99% being AMG due to the layout), was palpable.
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