Real point penalty

Started 3 May 2019
by jackatom74
in Suggestions
There should be a realm point honor penalty for killing someone way below your level. If I run out 10 minutes to farm an xp item and some 50 kills me in one swat just for fun that is much different than dieing to someone of my same or similar level.
Fri 3 May 2019 1:04 PM by Sleepwell
There is. If you're grey, they get no rps .

If you're (36?) or above, then you con yellow to a 50..... until you're dead, then you con green or blue depending on your level. They do get reduced rps depending on your level/rr so what you're asking for is in place. You'll also have the hard-liners who say you're in an rvr zone and the benefits you receive by trying to level in that zone are met with the possibility of an rvr death (which cost no gold and/or con after u speak to a healer)
Fri 3 May 2019 1:08 PM by Lillebror
I Suggest that you farm/exp in other zones than FZ
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