Ram postion is bugged sometimes when placed. Potential for a custom /reposition command?
This Bug is still persistant. Similar to this old post https://tracker.playphoenix.online/issues/22621. Over 2 years old and closed.
https://imgur.com/a/ZHZtFIT this is a link to the behavior encountered.
Is it possible to have a custom /reposition command or some such added. This would Push the Ram approx 200-300 units from the closest structure. To allow use.
I see there used to be a salvage command but it seems to have resulted in rams being stolen and other forms of griefplay.
This is a bummer to all three realms in RvR, and the simple answer is learn how to place rams. But it could add a nice quality of life change.
This Bug is still persistant. Similar to this old post https://tracker.playphoenix.online/issues/22621. Over 2 years old and closed.
https://imgur.com/a/ZHZtFIT this is a link to the behavior encountered.
Is it possible to have a custom /reposition command or some such added. This would Push the Ram approx 200-300 units from the closest structure. To allow use.
I see there used to be a salvage command but it seems to have resulted in rams being stolen and other forms of griefplay.
This is a bummer to all three realms in RvR, and the simple answer is learn how to place rams. But it could add a nice quality of life change.