Since the goal of the event is to create a level playing field and to reach 50 and ~RR5, would it be possible to have everyone start a fresh level 1 character (as it is currently) but have a /level command (a specific NPC in the event) to automatically start at ~level 20 or 30 and say RR2 or RR2L5 (whatever is appropriate RR for that starting level). I think this would help the level 30 and 40 pugs as you would not have to start completely over. I think on live, back in the day, you could get a free level 20 or something with basic gear and weapon (no jewelry) so I am assuming the code is already there somewhere. I don't think this would be overly abused as leveling to 20 or 30 is pretty easy outside of event. It could also potentially liven up Thidr again too (fun side effect).