My "outside the box" vision for Alb

Started 29 Apr 2021
by Centenario
in Suggestions
I would like them to change Theurgist - Paladin - Sorc - Cleric - Friar:

Apparently Theurg is strong in combination with Sorc because Sorc can use spec AoE Mezz at 1875 range and then from 2000 range, the Theurg will throw pets 3 pets on the target, while being unreachable.
Theurg is also in the back with Bubble running, has haste buff and damage add buff.
Can also throw in some DD in the assist.
The problem with Theurg is that he has the bubble so is almost necessary for 8v8 - this means that the 2k range pets will be there in every fight.
The Theurg is one of the priority target of the opposing party, together with Sorc (demezz, CC, Amnezia, Assist Matter) and Earth Wizard(NS, Assist Matter)
One way to make it easier to fight against alb would be to concentrate more of the power on one class.
If Theurg would have NS, then Alb might not be running Earth Wizz anymore and move toward a more hybrid melee compo, instead of assist Matter.
The Sorc will also have to debuff cold, for the Theurg and maybe a Reaver or an Ice Wizz.
You would take out the Sorc from the assist matter/body.
Also if the NS is in the cold line, the Theurg will have to choose between high bubble and cold assist/higher NS.
Finally if the Theurg would have cure mezz at 28 Air spec, like a mentalist he would be more enclined to go 3-spec.
A theurg with 35 earth - 28 Air and 29 Ice with cure mezz, blue bubble, and blue NS could see his pet cast range reduced to 1875, maybe have the higher lvl pet spells have higher cast range, from 1500(rank1) to 2000(rank7).

By giving cure mezz to Theurg we could explore alb not running a minstrel:
This would mean that somebody else needs minstrel speed 5 and SoS instead.

Give Paladin access to Speed 5 and SoS instead of Minstrel
The speed 5 should work like the endo chant, meaning you can either twist endo and speed or just run speed while moving (with endo pot for sprinting) and endo while in combat.
Paladin is a poor peeler like the minstrel and the Reaver. He is close to the warden on mid, and similar to a non-hammer skald on mid.
The paladin would become similar to a warden, you'd have to lower his damage table to 18 like warden.
You'd have to remove the paladin shield line, so no longer best PvE tank, and no longer slambot. So that Merc/Arms are still needed for physical stun and peeljob.
Give him instead a healing line.

The difference with Warden would be that he has access to two-handed weapon, to the twisting mechanic, he would not be able to buff, but he would have access to SoS and speed 5.

The Friar would be very similar to Paladin now, except that he wields a staff instead of 2-handed weapon, and he can buff/resists.
Friar also doesnt have speed/SoS.
The Friar should move more toward the shaman/valewalker/champion: instant roots/diseases, offensive disease proc
The friar should really have something to do from range, as he can be the only second healer in a group (cleric+friar) and compared to shaman/healer/bard/druid/cleric (not warden) he is lacking from range.
I would suggest to remove amnesia from the sorc, who already has plenty to do.
Instead give casted or instant (like bard) amnesia ability to the friar.
Valewalker like disease proc.
Champion like instant snare.
Bard like double instant amnesia.

The friar would become a 1v1 killing machine, with snare + heal + amnesia + offensive proc disease, to counter this killing machine status he would need to be nerfed offensively or defensively: evade chance or damage table or growth rates or anytime styles. or make some abilities require higher point investments.
You'd also remove the offensive heal proc.
Then compared to shaman he will become a lot more OP. This means that Shaman could become the target of a similar style buff.

Removed amnesia to give it to the friar instead.
I would also remove all forms of roots from the sorcerer. Instead I would give it casted stun "hib-caster style," or "cleric-like"
The cleric is not supposed to move to 1500 range to become part of the caster assist, and the sorc should instead manage the s/c debuff and casted stun if needed. Also since minstrel isnt supposed to be part of 8-man anymore, alb would lose the on-cd insta magic stun of the minst.

Cleric smite line is very poor.
The instant pbaoe mezz is lackluster compared to healer instant or casted aoe stun, or instant mezz or casted root. Or compared to druid roots.
The best would be for alb to run Pala(33rejuv)-Friar(40 rejuv)-Cleric(42buff-heal)
To make the cleric smite line worth something, you'd need to give him some survivability to melee train inc, which Friar/paladin would not have.
The best would be for the cleric to just get access to some baseline spells in smite line, maybe move the instant pbaoe mezz to baseline, and give him targeted root like druid/healer.

Group would become:
Core Grp (3 healing classes)
1. Pala = 2nd or 3rd healer /endo bot/speed bot/poor peelz/no more slam or guard
2. Theurg = 2nd demezz/assist cold or spirit/NS/bubble
3. Sorc= Mezz/no more roots/scdebuff/magicstun/assist matter/body
4. Friar = Resist/buff/Heal/CureNS/Amnesia
5. Cleric = Could maybe become Assist spirit if pala and friar handle the healing.
6. Arms/Merc = Guard/peelz

2 Mix spots like other realms.
Cabalist for disease & assist & some NS & root debuff spirit/body/energy
Wizard matter/cold assist & some NS & root, debuff matter/heat/cold
Minstrel for interrupt and 3rd demezz and double SoS.
Reaver for coldtrain/guard/slam
Necro for assist spirit/debuff AF
Another Merc/Arms
Thu 29 Apr 2021 4:09 PM by DJ2000
Maybe unintentionally...but this was kinda funny.
Thu 29 Apr 2021 4:37 PM by Magesty
What the box looks like:

Thu 29 Apr 2021 4:46 PM by evert
these are funny, do mid next.
Thu 29 Apr 2021 5:16 PM by Centenario
Im tired of personal attacks, maybe instead try to find other solution or explain why its funny.
Toxic comments is childish, at least try to have constructive criticism.

In politics they do the same:
People try to find solutions and the opposition just gets stuck on the use of a word or what he was wearing.

Only few users on the forum have good contribution.

If at least its entertaining good, but I spend time to try to find workable solution.
I would hope someone would try as much.
Thu 29 Apr 2021 5:32 PM by Magesty
Expecting a rational response to this post is like a politician expecting a rational response when his policy suggestion is something along the lines of, “let’s move our power plants under water” or “how about we stop collecting taxes entirely”

There are so many levels to the problems with these ideas it would take pages and pages to fully break it down. It’s not close on any level to being realistic.
Thu 29 Apr 2021 6:11 PM by Nephamael
OK, so step by step:

1) Theurg:

Theurg is the single strongest bladeturn source of all realms - if mid and hib could grp a theurg instead of a RM or Warden they would do it in every setup.

Theurg is in a odd position right now, extremely OP in tankgrps and slightly underpowered in caster groups.

I mentioned it before, i think the earthpets need a HP reduction to get balanced, i think somewhere between 12-18% HP need to be cut, to allow primary melee dps to 1shot earthpets reliably, so the focus is on clearing pets and not on outlasting the 30s duration somehow. If the pet's were a reliable 1shot for all basenukes = no resistrate vs spells (they can even resist 3.5s casttime confustion!!! while noone can resist the earthlord) and all primary melee dps, then the pet duration could go up to 40s, so not dealing with the pets would be more punishing, while dealing with them would be easier.

Now you suggest giving even more power to this class, which is not a good idea without a complete WoW like rework of all other classes first.

However i think airpets need a buff right now, they are a bad joke, 20s duration, almost never stun and outsprintable. I think they need to have at least a 25s duration and either a higher stun procrate or more movement speed on top of that. - Then air/earth theurg becomes a viable gvg spec and maybe we would even see the return of the body assist (where the air theurg can be a specnuker and his airpets could be a peel source - right now they are a welcome free cc immunity source and wasted mana of the theurg).

2) Paladin:

Paladins have been buffed pretty well, the only thing that keeps them from being grouped right now is the endu reduction grp buff on friars, making pally endu completely unnecessary for any alb tanker or tanker hybrid.

My suggestion here: remove the friar grp endu reduction = give midgard back the endu advantage over both other realms and give alb a reason to play pally in gvg.

3) Friar:

Yes friars and wardens rly need any ranged spell or instants to play with - not so much for balance, but because both classes are SOOOO BORING to play!!!! Warden even more than friar, he doesn't even have a instant taunt and the dmgtable is so bad, that he kills earthpets almost as bad as a druid.

My suggestion: Friar instant taunt could be on a 5 or 10s cooldown, so friar has to decide if he wants to be in 1500 range for rupt or in safe distance for cure ns/disease/heal, with both options being viable with a tradeoff.

The same thing could be done for warden or confusion (earthlordclear) or a stun - or a much needed root, but that would be quite powerful without a tradeoff, so i personally like the instant rupt idea better, as it messes with the wardens positioning (and please up the dmgtable, warden is already screwed enough vs friar/pally with 1h and no shieldspec and no backsnare).

4) Sorc:

Sorc has it all indeed, the problem is, taking something away will always cause a big shitstorm - if sorc never had amnesia, noone would mind as the class is already so strong without amnesia. Same as noone would mind not having vanish, if it never existed on Phoenix or pallies would reasonably rage if their dmg table was lowered.

I honestly have no idea how to fix the sorc powerhouse, i think the best idea is to just leave it as it is and hope most sorcs doesn't find time to use all their utility in every fight. - What Phoenix did was buffing other classes like ment, to match the power better, which i think is a good idea, especially looking at the lowest utility casters like rm, sm or ench (who now got something very interesting, that might bring him back to a few 8men).

5) Cleric:

Yes clerics are in a poor state of utility/fun, if you use your stun well it can have a huge impact tho, especially in a caster vs caster fight.

I think some form of low impact buffs to cleric would be nice.

For example, the pbaoe instant mezz could be on a 20s cooldown and/or cleric could get melee styles, like a warden. It would have to be active abilities, as passives are not increasing the fun.

Also if air pets get a buff and the body train returns, clerics can assist nuke with their spirit DD.

The nature line for druids is in a similar spot like smite btw and could also use buffs, right now there is no reason why anyone would grp a nature druid instead of a 2nd bard or a ment or simply more dps. Nature Druids bring nice heals, but they lack long range rupt like healers or instant rupts on a short cooldown like friar, basically they can aoeroot and have a bad pet, if they get interrupted at 1500 range they can moc or they are out.
Thu 29 Apr 2021 6:34 PM by vxr
Nephamael wrote:
Thu 29 Apr 2021 6:11 PM
especially looking at the lowest utility casters like rm, sm or ench (who now got something very interesting, that might bring him back to a few 8men).

What did RMs and SMs get? I know the ench pet got a root and disease now. Do you mean the combined resist debuffs? Didn't all realms get that?
Thu 29 Apr 2021 6:45 PM by Nephamael
What did RMs and SMs get? I know the ench pet got a root and disease now. Do you mean the combined resist debuffs? Didn't all realms get that?

They got nothing yet since the 3ple resist debuffs and i hope they will get something soon, like ench.

The problem for RM here is him sitting on pbt, which has always been the reasoning of the Phoenix team to deny warden any buffs at all. - I hope they will overcome their reservations for both classes, not as much for balance but for the fun factor.

RM could for example have a 2nd single cc, stun or mezz.
SM could have a instant rupt like ench, to keep him a 1500 range caster or pet casts like ench got them now - or he could have his pets movement speed buffed, to keep the class more simple, but give the pet a offensive option, which it lacks almost completely right now.
Thu 29 Apr 2021 6:50 PM by Beeblebrox
The suggestions are just too extreme whether there is any justification or not. Surely more subtle tweaks can be made. Is there still a problem with alb 8-man caster groups being OP? Even if there is, I don't see messing with classes this much.
Thu 29 Apr 2021 7:03 PM by Centenario
My aim was to find a way to balance alb like the other realms i.e. having all core abilities in at most 6 classes while having at least 3 classes with a heal spec, leaving 2 spots free for group customization
Core abilities being:
- endo
- slam
- good peel
- debuff s/c
- amnesia
- resist 1
- resist 2
- spec buffs
- base buffs
- mezz cure
- speed 5
- bubble
- haste
- aoe mezz (long)
- casted root
- casted stun
- disease
- NS

I’m proposing to try to get to:
Pala-cleric-friar-theurg-sorc-arms as this core; I have failed for disease somewhat.

For the theurg, it is both a buff and a nerf that I am proposing, by giving him more things to worry about, it makes him an even higher priority target and also a role responsible for more so more prone to errors and to also be forced to spread its powers for lower lvl pets and bubble. This means that your pet hp problem is also solved and he will have to move into range to demezz.

It’s not just fixing one variable and being done with. I am also looking for contribution to make the proposal better (the heavy work), maybe changing level for pet tiers etc... the core is to be able to be sure to have theurg be core for every group. In 2 years i can count on my fingers the times I had a theurg in my group. Also similarly to hib I’d like to make sure that Playing without cabalist and earthwiz is possible to include reaver/icewiz combo for example.
Thu 29 Apr 2021 9:45 PM by DJ2000
a rough as-of-now draft of your list

- endo --------------------------- Shaman ------------------------------------------- Bard ----------------------------------------- Paladin, (Friar [reduc])
- slam ---------------------------- Warrior, Thane ----------------------------------- Hero, Champion, Blademaster ----------- Mercenary, Paladin, Armsman, Reaver
- good peel ------------- Warrior, Thane, Skald, Berserk, Savage (Hammer) --- Hero, Blademaster ------------------------ Mercenary, Paladin, Armsman, Friar
- aoe debuff s/c ---------------- Spiritmaster (Supp) ------------------------------ Eldritch (Mana) ---------------------------- Sorcerer (Mind)
- casted aoe amnesia ---------- Healer --------------------------------------------- (Bard [no cast]) ---------------------------- Sorcerer
- resist Elemental --------------- Shaman ------------------------------------------- Druid ---------------------------------------- Friar
- resist Spiritual ----------------- Healer -------------------------------------------- Warden ------------------------------------- Cleric
- spec buffs --------------------- Shaman ------------------------------------------- Druid ---------------------------------------- Cleric
- base buffs --------------------- Shaman, Healer ---------------------------------- Druid, Bard, Warden ---------------------- Cleric, Friar
- mezz cure --------------------- Healer, Spiritmaster ----------------------------- Bard, Mentalist ----------------------------- Sorcerer, Minstrel
- speed 5 ----------------------- Skald ---------------------------------------------- Bard ----------------------------------------- Minstrel
- bubble ------------------------ Runemaster (Supp) ------------------------------ Warden (Nurt) ------------------------------ Theurg (Earth)
- haste -------------------------- Healer (Aug) [Conc] ------------------------------ Druid (Nurt) [Conc] ------------------------ Theurg [Timed]
- aoe mezz (long) ------------- Healer (Pac) --------------------------------------- Bard ----------------------------------------- Sorcerer (Mind)
- aoe Mezz (short) ------------ Spiritmaster (Dark) ------------------------------- Eldritch (Light) ------------------------------ Minstrel, Theurg (Air)
- aoe Root --------------------- Shaman ------------------------------------------- Druid (Nature), Animist (Creep) ----------- Theurg (Ice), Wizard (Earth), Sorcerer (Body)
- root ------ Shaman, Spiritmaster, Runemaster, Bonedancer, Healer (Pac) --- Animist, Druid, Bard, [Enchanter] --------- Sorcerer, Cabalist, Theurg, Wizard
- casted stun ------------------- Healer -------------------------------------------- Eldritch, Mentalist, Enchanter -------------- Cleric, (Minstrel [no cast])
- aoe disease ------------------ Shaman ------------------------------------------- Eldritch (Mana) ----------------------------- Cabalist (Body)
- NS ----------------------------- Runemaster (Supp) ------------------------------ Eldritch (Light), Mentalist (Mana) --------- Cabalist (Matter), Wizard (Earth)
- Cure NS ----------------------- Shaman, Healer ---------------------------------- Druid, Warden ------------------------------ Cleric, Friar
- Casted main Pets ------------ Spiritmaster, Bonedancer ----------------------- Enchanter, Druid (Nature), [Animist] ------ Cabalist, Necromancer
- summoned Pets -------------- Bonedancer -------------------------------------- Animist -------------------------------------- Theurg
- Charmed pets ---------------- [Hunter (Beast)] ---------------------------------- Mentalist (Light) ---------------------------- Sorcerer (Mind), Minstrel
- Debuff Elemental ------------ Runemaster (RC) --------------------------------- Enchanter (Mana) -------------------------- Wizard (Earth), Sorcerer (Body)
- Debuff Spiritual -------------- Spiritmaster (Dark) ------------------------------ Eldritch (Void), Mentalist (Menta) --------- Cabalist (Spirit)

*good peel = anytimersnare > backsnare
ok'ish peel = sidesnare > frontsnare
bad joke peel = followup-snare

- all stealth classes are excluded from this list
- all other classes not mentioned in this list:
Midgard - 0 -
Hibernia - 1 - Valewalker (no melee snare)
Albion - 0 -

- most times mentioned:
Midgard - 9x Healer, 8x Shaman, 6x Spiritmaster, 4x Runemaster, 3x Bonedancer, 2x Warrior/Thane/Skald, 1x Berserk/Savage[Hunter]
Hibernia - 8x Druid, 6x Bard/Eldritch, 5x Mentalist, 4x Warden/Enchanter/Animist, 2x Hero/Blademaster, 1x Champion
Albion - 8x Sorcerer, 6x Theurg, 5x Cabalist/Friar/Cleric/Minstrel, 4x Wizard, 3x Paladin, 2x Armsman/Mercenary, 1x Reaver/Necromancer

(Hint: Paper-DaoC won't get you far)
Thu 29 Apr 2021 9:51 PM by Astaa
Give heroes flight.

And give void elds stealth.

Oh, oh, and warlocks. but make them just explode like an old school SC failure if they try and chamber a spell
Thu 29 Apr 2021 10:42 PM by Ele
Some input from a /gvg perspective (all realms, atm alb):
Centenario wrote: ... the core is to be able to be sure to have theurg be core for every group. In 2 years i can count on my fingers the times I had a theurg in my group.
Most alb setups include a theurg, exception may be necro tanker and 5 body nuker groups.

Centenario wrote: Also similarly to hib I’d like to make sure that Playing without cabalist and earthwiz is possible to include reaver/icewiz combo for example.
Not sure if I get it correctly, but if you are aiming at the debuff, body sorc can debuff cold/heat/matter.

Centenario wrote: My aim was to find a way to balance alb like the other realms i.e. having all core abilities in at most 6 classes while having at least 3 classes with a heal spec, leaving 2 spots free for group customization

Tbh, counting bard/shaman/paci as healers just because they have a heal spec is somewhat counterfactual. They are supporters, granted, but their main job requires them to be back-up healers, and in many cases they have low heal spec. If you consider that, it's not alb that needs more healing classes - friar and cleric are dedicated healers, other than bard or shaman - but mid, with only the augh being on healing duty. The shaman interrupts and helps with cures. The paci and buff cleric are en par when it comes to healing, but you have to split your casts between cc/demezz/cures and heals. This means there isn't a lot of time to heal.

If you consider that, sorc/minst/cleric/friar/theurg means you have everything covered but disease and NS and have enough heals.

On top of that I'd like to add that not all comps in all realms require all the tools listed by you and DJ to be viable. Examples:
- Hib 4/4 tanker has no NS, no castable disease, no stat debuffs (except when running champ) and is still strong/considered the only viable hib setup.
- Alb tanker (sorc/theu/merc/merc) has no disease and no NS but is still one of the strongest possible setups around all three realms.
- If you want all those listed tools covered, you could throw together a hib caster group (heat train (ench/eld/menty) or energy train (eld/menty/ani/[any 4th caster]), doesn't matter) and would have to realize that it is still a sub-par setup when compared to mid or alb caster setups, because the utility it offers is great on paper, but spread in an unfavorable way. Don't get me wrong, it can work, but it's not considered the weakest possible /gvg setup without s reason.

As much as I like unorthodox thinking, I'm unsure if your approach to decide what's viable/core and what's not is correct.
Fri 30 Apr 2021 12:09 AM by Nephamael
- Alb tanker (sorc/theu/merc/merc) has no disease and no NS but is still one of the strongest possible setups around all three realms.

And alb has the all utility lineup with Cleric/Friar/Minst+ /Sorc/Theu/Cabba/Merc/Arms or 2nd Merc.

= nearsight, disease, all aoe stat debuffs, both debuff nuke options, 2 demezzers, 2 of the strongest peelers ingame (even if you play double merc, you can use double DT instead of dashing defense), immense pushing power with disease and earthpets and extreme kiting power with the double peel + minst+disease+ichor+3 root classes.

The only thing this lineup misses is endu5, which is completely neglect able because of the friar endu reduction grp buff. - All you have to do is play this on paper easily strongest lineup of all possible lineups in the 3 realms before it gets nerfed.

- It is less sturdy than the 3 melee option and harder to play, but has a higher performance cap coming with the higher skill ceiling.
Fri 30 Apr 2021 12:50 AM by Beeblebrox
Nephamael wrote:
Fri 30 Apr 2021 12:09 AM
- Alb tanker (sorc/theu/merc/merc) has no disease and no NS but is still one of the strongest possible setups around all three realms.

And alb has the all utility lineup with Cleric/Friar/Minst+ /Sorc/Theu/Cabba/Merc/Arms or 2nd Merc.

= nearsight, disease, all aoe stat debuffs, both debuff nuke options, 2 demezzers, 2 of the strongest peelers ingame (even if you play double merc, you can use double DT instead of dashing defense), immense pushing power with disease and earthpets and extreme kiting power with the double peel + minst+disease+ichor+3 root classes.

The only thing this lineup misses is endu5, which is completely neglect able because of the friar endu reduction grp buff. - All you have to do is play this on paper easily strongest lineup of all possible lineups in the 3 realms before it gets nerfed.

- It is less sturdy than the 3 melee option and harder to play, but has a higher performance cap coming with the higher skill ceiling.

After friar endo was nerfed even with endo pot it is not equivalent to pally endo. Besides who wants to use a endo pot all the time?
Fri 30 Apr 2021 1:01 AM by Nephamael
After friar endo was nerfed even with endo pot it is not equivalent to pally endo. Besides who wants to use a endo pot all the time?

I played hero/bm in hib 1 bard lineups for the majority of the last half year, i would kill for a grp endu reduction buff. - I run out of endu using pot and skin scrap of legion for endu on cooldown.

The weapon speed endu reduction patch helps both heroes and bms tho, if they use faster weapons than 4.0. So big thank's! to the DEVs there!

I would still prefer having the grp endu reduction removed from alb tho, to return to at least both alb and hib being screwed if not running a pally or 2nd bard.
Fri 30 Apr 2021 1:17 AM by Beeblebrox
Nephamael wrote:
Fri 30 Apr 2021 1:01 AM
After friar endo was nerfed even with endo pot it is not equivalent to pally endo. Besides who wants to use a endo pot all the time?

I played hero/bm in hib 1 bard lineups for the majority of the last half year, i would kill for a grp endu reduction buff. - I run out of endu using pot and skin scrap of legion for endu on cooldown.

The weapon speed endu reduction patch helps both heroes and bms tho, if they use faster weapons than 4.0. So big thank's! to the DEVs there!

I would still prefer having the grp endu reduction removed from alb tho, to return to at least both alb and hib being screwed if not running a pally or 2nd bard.

I play a friar and I would prefer they removed all the changes they recently made. Make endo self buff and the 26% it use to be and giving back the 5% to heal proc even if it means losing the nice change to HOT. They could even keep the nerf to side style. HOT was pretty useless before so they could remove that too if they did roll back. The changes are a total nerf to friar solo,
Fri 30 Apr 2021 4:11 PM by Nephamael
I play a friar and I would prefer they removed all the changes they recently made. Make endo self buff and the 26% it use to be and giving back the 5% to heal proc even if it means losing the nice change to HOT. They could even keep the nerf to side style. HOT was pretty useless before so they could remove that too if they did roll back. The changes are a total nerf to friar solo,

The problem with the healproc is: it is a grp buff, so it has to be balanced for the group - a compromise could be to give the friar a selfbuff and a grp buff, so for only himself it could go up 5%, while the balanced ammount stays for the rest of the grp.

I personally like the hot buff, i think it should stay - before it the hot was simply useless. Now it is an active spell, friar can use, especially in zerg fights or long stalemate gvgs the hot is actually very powerful.
Fri 30 Apr 2021 7:32 PM by inoeth
*casted main pets* hunter wolf pet is missing there!
*good peel* skald is missing there! and well maybe scout and assassins?
Sat 1 May 2021 8:16 AM by Talo
Beeblebrox wrote:
Fri 30 Apr 2021 1:17 AM
I play a friar and I would prefer they removed all the changes they recently made. Make endo self buff and the 26% it use to be and giving back the 5% to heal proc even if it means losing the nice change to HOT. They could even keep the nerf to side style. HOT was pretty useless before so they could remove that too if they did roll back. The changes are a total nerf to friar solo,
if rollback on friar the HOT and the proc with the bad proc rate can be given to the pala =)
Sat 1 May 2021 8:54 AM by DJ2000
inoeth wrote:
Fri 30 Apr 2021 7:32 PM
*casted main pets* hunter wolf pet is missing there!
*good peel* skald is missing there! and well maybe scout and assassins?
His list was for 8man setups mostly, so i didn't include any Stealth classes.
The one exception was for the charmed pets, and i put it into brackets.
Otherwise: Yes, Sir. You are correct.
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