Midgard suffers! (DS PvE / Teamplay in Solozone / Reward in Solozone)

Started 7 May 2020
by Jiraishin
in Suggestions
is there any possibility to make the realm timer like it was? midgard seems now completely dead, barely ds groups anymore the most people went to hibernia for pve afaik since you have it much easier and faster there compared to midgard for speedruns in DS.
My suggestion: would be nice and fair to buff midgard (maybe by lowering the HP of the mobs in DS) to have the same little effort like hibernia for ds so we might have a chance of more players in midgard.

the second thing is that a lot of people play together in the new solozone without attacking each other but killing together a guy that likes to kill a third person (maybe another friend of those other 2 guys) . since I am playing a SB you can obviously see the teamplay. and I as a user dont want to have work after work by making a video of that etc.
My suggestion: it would be nice if the GMs could take an eye on it constantly.

the next thing I want to say is that the solo zone isnt even worth it anymore for the classes that arent fotm after the RP nerf. its worth it if you play a overpowered 1on1 class because you literally kill everything that you can make lot of rps/hour but for some other classes its just not worth getting there because there are some spots in FZ for solos where you get more rps/hour. to all of that since the rps are nerfed and people arent happy with their rp-gain they add even more in the solo zone. i understand thats its not a clean duel/1vs1 zone but making the people adding more due to the rp-decrease is annoying.
My suggestion: maybe you just make it only 80% of the rps from a kill instead of 75% and let count the task credit as well (maybe 80% of the task reward as well + you get task credit items).

Thank all for reading & have a nice day!
Thu 7 May 2020 10:09 AM by Sepplord
Regarding point1 i don't really understand the reasoning. Feathers/items farmed in Hibernia can not be traded to Midgard, so someone needing that in Midgard will have to do the Dungeon in Midgard. Maybe i am missing something, but it isn't clear from this post.

Regarding point 2:
The Gms are just people that do what they are doing in their free time. Suggesting to "constantly" monitor the zone, because you don't want to put in the work of making a video is a bit impudent.
I agree about the teaming in the Solo-zone, though it seems to be tolerated in the case of the duelzone the duelers claimed in the middle. I doubt that this behaviour is unknown to the Staff. I would appreciate if they could update the rules to clarify and make it officially allowed so people know what they get into, but looking back to the beginning of this paragraph (Gms are just people that do what they are doing in their free time) they are putting their priorities where they seem it most important.

Regarding point 3:
I agree that the solozone isn't "worth it", but not even in regard to the reward. It's the same reason why all freeshards with such a zone have failed quite fast and the complaints that are all over the Forum now show it too.
Before the zone existed the general tone (at least on the forums) was:
-soloing is almost impossible in the frontier
-we just want more fair fights, Rps aren't even important
-the only thing ruining soloing is getting run over by smallmen/Fgs

Now that there is a zone that removes all those complaints, suddenly:
-Soloing in the Frontier gives me so much more Rps (wierd, considering it was nigh impossible and basically dead before)
-Fairfights aren't enough, now it must be fairfights against specific classes only
-traveltimes are too high (somehow i must have missed how people get to an enemy relicgate faster than running across one zone with hastener)
Thu 7 May 2020 12:46 PM by Shamissa
Mids do DS every day not sure what you talking about. Not every mid went to hib , only the weakest ones.
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