Paladins took a huge hit with the endurance barrels... Much more than the other realms endurance classes because with Paladins the main thing that they brought to the group in classic was his endo... He is still a decent tank but with the endurance 4 barrels everyone will overlook a paladin for another dps like armsman or merc because there really isn't a need for anything else he brings to the table since his damage just isn't there in comparison to any other melee. I have a couple solutions in mind that could bring paladins back into rvr and that is the ability to run 2 chants at once... or a higher damage table.... or even giving paladins celerity, celerity being the more extreme suggestion but just anything. Im positive when server goes live the lack of people making paladins will be pretty severe because they know at 50 they will just be re rolling anyways. Im sure anyone playing alb currently in the beta will agree that paladins are just not needed in the games current state... The only time I can see a paladin being decent is really high rr so that they can go 2h and actually do some damage but until then unless you have friends or a guild that will carry you through rvr you wont achieve that.... Please don't kill my favorite class on this great server