Lower spell durations at lower levels

Started 10 May 2020
by Fribrand
in Suggestions
There needs to be a wider variation to duration based on spec.
The high spec level durations seem OK but the low spec durations are WAY to LONG.

Near-sight, Disease and Many Mezz's have way to long of a duration at the lowest levels.

I understand that this has concerns that affect level 50 spec lines.
I understand that high RR peeps have abilities that lower affects... but low level and low RR people do not.

This has been asked for in several different threads for each of these affects...
We need some consideration from the Dev's on how they might be able to resolve the duration problem?

Mon 11 May 2020 12:56 AM by joshisanonymous
Very much against this idea. It sounds like you're worried purely about Thid, but the game should definitely not be balanced around Thid. What about PvE? What about secondary spec lines at 50? Lowering these durations, that are mostly very short already, would do so much more harm than good.
Mon 11 May 2020 6:07 AM by Lollie
It's almost as if the game needs cure mez, cure disease and cure ns spells.
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