Would be super nice if all speeds and types of top tier material crafted weapons and armor were equally usable in endgame.
As it stands today you get 6-8 weapon recipes, but only a couple of them are really endgame usable. Hell, most of the top level material gear can't even be enchanted for the maximum 35% value so they are a huge gimp to your character if you try to use them in RvR.
Top-End armor recipes should all be AF 102 for armor (51 for cloth) and all top-end arcanium/arcanite weapon recipes should be 16.5 dps. This would be an easy recipe change and would VASTLY improve gear selection for templating at the end-game.
As it stands today you get 6-8 weapon recipes, but only a couple of them are really endgame usable. Hell, most of the top level material gear can't even be enchanted for the maximum 35% value so they are a huge gimp to your character if you try to use them in RvR.
Top-End armor recipes should all be AF 102 for armor (51 for cloth) and all top-end arcanium/arcanite weapon recipes should be 16.5 dps. This would be an easy recipe change and would VASTLY improve gear selection for templating at the end-game.