Instance bonus more grp friendly

Started 23 Jun 2020
by Nephamael
in Suggestions
I suggest to give grps an increasing per player instance bonus cap before reduction.

Where you set that is up to you, but imo it should be somewhere between 350% and 500% in a 8 player grp before it gets reduced. That's kinda the minimum bonus you need to have a happy ungrindy xpfeeling, especially with an average melee/hybrid lvlgrp.

The idea is it doesn`t matter who brings the inst bonus, it gets added and divided by players.

Example: set inst bonus at 75% per player in grp before reduction ==== grp of 3 = 225% inst bonus before reduction, grp of 5 = 375% inst bonus before reduction, grp of 8 = 600% inst bonus before reduction.
(i like this one as it matches the 75% max powerpool bonus for DS/HoH)

Example2: set inst bonus at 50% per player === grp of 3 = 150%, grp of 8 = 400%

Now it should not matter if one player brings 300% or 3 players bring each 100%. it should always get added up and divided by grpmembers before reduction.
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