Increase XP Gain in BattleGrounds

Started 24 Jan 2019
by Karqa
in Suggestions
Hello all,

1-Can you guys increase the XP gain in Battlegrounds so there would be more people lvlin or fighting with each other in BGs ?
2- Also can you add Xp task items in the battleground mobs too ?
3- Rp gain can be lifted up a little bit too ?
4-Add more Battlegrounds for 35-39 / 40-44 / 45-49 .

Why? I see lots of newplayers who doesn't have a clue about daoc and rvr/pvp. So they can have more experience in battleground and have some hints about end game.At the moment , Thid and caledonia bgs are full of people and the rest of em are hmmzz ZZzzzZZzzzz.

What do you say ?

Thanks for reading ...
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