Everyone gains this ability.
When used on a realm enemy, a small icon of your Guild insignia pops up over their head as a spell effect that lasts for 3 seconds. You cannot attack this target for 30 seconds or until they attack you or your group, but gain a very small amount of "kill credit" for this target.
A line in spell effects for both sender and target shows up. It displays how many times you have used Commend on the target and they on you. "You have given Trollface 3 commendations, and she 4 to you. Trollyface has been commended 1337 times in total."
2300 Range, Instant. Only usable out of combat. 3 minute re-use.
For those who want a clean way to show others they're not adding on someone's fights/ganking a lowbie.
When used on a realm enemy, a small icon of your Guild insignia pops up over their head as a spell effect that lasts for 3 seconds. You cannot attack this target for 30 seconds or until they attack you or your group, but gain a very small amount of "kill credit" for this target.
A line in spell effects for both sender and target shows up. It displays how many times you have used Commend on the target and they on you. "You have given Trollface 3 commendations, and she 4 to you. Trollyface has been commended 1337 times in total."
2300 Range, Instant. Only usable out of combat. 3 minute re-use.
For those who want a clean way to show others they're not adding on someone's fights/ganking a lowbie.