Flexible horse routes plus realm mate summoning: An alternative to teleporters and teleport stones

Started 29 Jul 2018
by Der_Eisbaer
in Suggestions
Hi everybody,

I would like to propose an alternative solution to the problem of travel within Dark Age of Camelot - a solution without teleporters and teleport stones that still allows for fast travel:

Proposal #1: Flexible horse routes


- every horse route station available from every other horse route station;

- the journey with standard speed on a standard horse cost 1 silver, plus 1 silver for every horse route station that you pass between your starting station and your destination;

- the journey faster (2x speed) by introducing a speed horse unique for every realm (unicorn for Hibernia etc.) which goes twice as fast as the usual horse and costs 50 silver, plus 50 silver for every horse route station that you pass between your starting station and your destination;

- the journey super fast (5x speed) by introducing a flying mount unique for every realm (Dragonfly for Hibernia etc.) which goes five times as fast as the usual horse and costs 5 gold, plus 5 gold for every horse route station that you pass between your starting station and your destination.

Proposal #2: Purchasable realm mate sumoning stones

Introduce an NPC that sells realm mate summoning stones for 20 gold a piece.

You can use such a stone once every 24 hours to summon a realm mate of your choice to your side.

Only usable in your homelands.

Requires the realm mates consens in order for the teleport to happen.

In doing so, entirely remove teleporters and personal teleport stones.

...and here is why:

First of:

Big cheers to the staff for caring about the travel time!

Ruling out "clever suiciding" on a real classic DAoC server the only mode of long distance transport is the horse routes which in my opinion rob you a considerable amount of gaming time because you can do NOTHING while on horse back.

You Phoenix guys have taken care of that by implementing the teleporters and the personal teleport stones - in my opinion a huge improvement and a large step towards an enjoyable gaming experience - thanks for that!

However, there always has been one thing about teleporters and personal teleport stones that made me dislike them:

You do not need to take any effort. It is just a click and you're good.

To me that is a bad idea because I strongly believe that it is crucial for an enjoyable long term gaming experience that in order to achieve something you must invest something.

Clicking the teleporter or the personal teleport stones is exactly not that: It is... too easy.

My proposal allows for fast travel but in order to achieve that it requires some investment - which means that when you are riding, say, the fast horse you have actually earned it.

Therefore quickly reaching your destination is much more yours than it is when you simply click the teleporter or the personal teleport stone.

Additionally, my proposal provides a nice money sink which is always important for any MMORPG economy.

Now I wish for a constructive conversation about my proposals!
Sun 29 Jul 2018 11:35 AM by Frigzy
I completely disagree. Travel is fine as it is.

What should be hard is winning tough battles, either versus important mobs or players. Earning top notch gear and RPs.

Meaningless stuff such as getting around, crafting or being forced to train at your trainer are things that should not be made harder than they are now. A ton of timesinks are being cut out that would otherwise destroy certain XP or RvR groups, or simply prevent them from ever being formed.

The current setting is proving tremendously beneficial for casual players. I've only seen some PvE and BG RvR so far, but from what I've seen, the reduction of the insignificant time-sinks is a major factor in the server's appeal.

In fact, with the current settings, I could see classic DAoC easily become a game that's attractive even for players who've never tried it before. I know classic DAoC has the potential - if done right- to generation a lot of interest. Making things harder for the sake of it is a step in the wrong direction.
Sun 29 Jul 2018 12:23 PM by aso
Don't need that
Pve is fine
Sun 29 Jul 2018 1:04 PM by Rabbitstew
I support cutting out needless and boring timesinks, so I was with you for your idea of having additional horse routes and a realmmate summoning possibility. But then you said the price for these is to take away general teleporters and personal bind stone? Sounds like 1 step forward, 2 steps back. No thanks.

Also, imagine this did happen, and the sheer amount of begging/annoyance for teleports from random people. People would /who <zone> and then spam people already there for a teleport.
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