Hi, first of all i want to say tnx for all the effort put into this project from all the staff members (particularly to the delevopers).
As player and supporter of this shard i want to share some of my expiriences lived in this server and pointing out some possible improvements (in my point of view).
Few months ago i tried to let a friend play daoc (he never played it before), we created two chraracters in Midgard and then, under my guide, we started this adventure.
Of course he will not continue to play, cos of game age probably but, till 1 level to 13, i tried to see daoc from his point of view, as a new player.
Obviously i will not dwell on the game mechanics, that are quite old and not easy to undertand for a new player, but i will dwell on some aspects that could be modified in this shard.
New chracter spawn: we started in two different cities, of course based on race chosen. It wasn't easy to start explaining the game from two different locations, and also both cities were without people.
On this point, in my opinion, define just one city as starting point could be more efficent. Aegirhamn could accomplish this, there were a lot of persons, crafting and low level exping. From a new player (also for comeback player), see a lot of person playing too, makes the adventure more attractive, gives the opportunity to reach a good xp spot easier and find other people to join with.
Another point is about low level exping, we tried to invite few other players found in Aegir, but usually they did not accept (we were shaman + svg, not bad not good for xp). They preferred to xp alone, due to eggs drop. Eggs are really helpful but they shouldn't be preferred to group xp in my opinion.
About that, could be a solution, just for low level, keep dropping a few (less then normal) eggs also in a group (maybe just small group). The idea is to always promote group xp instead of solo, also if not full group.
As last point, and i understand that is just a whim, consider to add the possibility, from a patcher/launcher, to directly use the old icons in the game. When i tried to explain the spells to my firend, i couldn't based on spell's images, cos i know the old icons, but not the new one
Hope this post could be useful to you
As player and supporter of this shard i want to share some of my expiriences lived in this server and pointing out some possible improvements (in my point of view).
Few months ago i tried to let a friend play daoc (he never played it before), we created two chraracters in Midgard and then, under my guide, we started this adventure.
Of course he will not continue to play, cos of game age probably but, till 1 level to 13, i tried to see daoc from his point of view, as a new player.
Obviously i will not dwell on the game mechanics, that are quite old and not easy to undertand for a new player, but i will dwell on some aspects that could be modified in this shard.
New chracter spawn: we started in two different cities, of course based on race chosen. It wasn't easy to start explaining the game from two different locations, and also both cities were without people.
On this point, in my opinion, define just one city as starting point could be more efficent. Aegirhamn could accomplish this, there were a lot of persons, crafting and low level exping. From a new player (also for comeback player), see a lot of person playing too, makes the adventure more attractive, gives the opportunity to reach a good xp spot easier and find other people to join with.
Another point is about low level exping, we tried to invite few other players found in Aegir, but usually they did not accept (we were shaman + svg, not bad not good for xp). They preferred to xp alone, due to eggs drop. Eggs are really helpful but they shouldn't be preferred to group xp in my opinion.
About that, could be a solution, just for low level, keep dropping a few (less then normal) eggs also in a group (maybe just small group). The idea is to always promote group xp instead of solo, also if not full group.
As last point, and i understand that is just a whim, consider to add the possibility, from a patcher/launcher, to directly use the old icons in the game. When i tried to explain the spells to my firend, i couldn't based on spell's images, cos i know the old icons, but not the new one
Hope this post could be useful to you