Disable advice channel, bring back /advisor

Started 28 Feb 2019
by caridry
in Suggestions
I am not 100% sure of the command being /advisor, but I specifically remember you could /who guide/advisor and you would find people marked themselves as people accepting tells for game advice. I understand /advice can at times be helpful, but more often then not, this channel is toxic, and my personal subjective opinion is that it will push players away from wanting to ask questions. I know it has pushed me away from even seeing this channel anymore and helping new players.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 3:15 PM by Ceen
I have advice turned of simple solution
Thu 28 Feb 2019 3:16 PM by Tritri
Yeah /advisor is nice with the current population.

/advice is good when you don't have much people on a server
Thu 28 Feb 2019 6:43 PM by Turtle006
I suggested this exact thing some time ago, thread didn't ever seem to get any traction. The /advisor command works now, and you get an advisor flag, it just doesn't seem to do anything else.

The /advice channel is so bad that I have considered just setting up a chat group or BG just to give people advice, but then I am stuck spamming /advice to get people to join and it seems circular.
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