Crazy, never going to happen changes

Started 15 Nov 2018
by Turtle006
in Suggestions
just for fun, I wanted to make a list of changes that would never happen, but that (some) people might like. Maybe something suggested here isn't actually as crazy as I think and/or the Devs can use it for inspiration. Probably, this is just a silly fun thread. Some of these are mine, some I recall from in game or forums. I mainly play Alb, so this will be Alb-centric just from familiarity. I make no claims that any of these are balanced.

*Minstrels losing chain mail and only getting Leather (or Studded)
*MInstrels lose stealth line completely
*One of: pots being removed completely, buff bots allowed, no buffs at all, or NPC buffers
*Run speed increased to hastener speed
*Sprint not stacking with any other form of speed (hastener, speed chant, etc)
*Sprint always uses Endurance, regardless of RA's or Endo regen chant/buff
*Necro pets (All summoned pets) get buffs from pots
*Albion thrust line gets reworked, improve styles and reduce DF stun
*All CC shares immunity timer, no Stunning a Mezzed target, etc
*Reuse timer for Slam, long enough that it can't be used multiple times in a fight
*Slam changed from anytime to positional or reactionary
*Positional styles unable to be used by exploiting DAOC mechanics like /stick and /face

**Edited for spelling**
Thu 15 Nov 2018 8:00 PM by defiasbandit
Win condition on the server. Seasonal system. 4 player group size in the frontiers. Speed for all classes. Removal of buff speclines.
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