Chat channel options....we need more

Started 18 May 2019
by gotwqqd
in Suggestions
I would like to be able to keep certain parts of the combat channel. Attacks return far too much information when you are trying to see only the basic parts...did it hit.
They are so large that the screen takes up too much real estate or they run by so fast you can’t see
Sat 18 May 2019 11:11 AM by Wasted_Content
Right Click Chat Box - > Create new chat tab for combat (or whatever) - > uncheck all the chat options you don't want

any more questions?
Sat 18 May 2019 2:44 PM by holodecs
I feel with the origial poster. There are a lot filter-options indeed, but it's still not fine-grained enough.
For example i like to see output of /who commands, but im not interested if anyone feels healthier, strenghtend or whatever around me, especially in a raid-situation.
Problem is, both outputs in <system>-channel.

This is just an example that came to my mind, but if you take more time to think about it, you'll find alot more situations where a finer grained filter would help.
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