Changing the functionality of the Change Realm button

Started 23 May 2019
by Pedro
in Suggestions
Since the realm change takes 12h, why not add a more useful utility to that button? Specially for those that enjoy their one realm?

Is it possible to change that button to perform a Page change? It would cut a lot of time from logging off, re-launching Phoenix, select a different page, login screen...

Or change pages with just one button.

Thu 23 May 2019 8:26 PM by gotwqqd
I’m pretty sure you never lived/games in the era of dial up modems
Fri 24 May 2019 2:29 PM by PingGuy
If your realm timer is clear, that button can still be useful if you want to look through your characters on different realms before deciding which one to log into. If that wasn't the case and the button had no use, then jumping pages would be nice. However with 100 pages, and only one button, it would get useless pretty quickly.
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