castable debuff for thanes

Started 26 Nov 2018
by inoeth
in Suggestions
first i want to say that i really like the hybrid changes, they seem to bring the hybrids to a much better position and playable again.
however, after i tested the thane last weekend i figured that the debuffproc i nearly useless. for me it doesnt make any sense to engage in melee first and wait for the proc to proc then get range and cast. on paper that might work but in real rvr situations this will never really happen or lets say its not planable (except proc luck on slam or something). further it would create synergies with runemasters, when the thane is able to debuff on range.

thoughts? pros? cons?
Mon 26 Nov 2018 12:27 PM by Takii
You have 2 instant DDs to use it with... And if you get rooted or snared after you were attacking someone, if the debuff is already applied I don't see why you wouldn't just start nuking them.

I think having a castable version would be a bit much.
Mon 26 Nov 2018 12:41 PM by inoeth
so many "if"'s ..... why is it too much? the point is why would i attack in melee besides slam and snare? and why would i nuke someone i recently snared? the debuff is pure luck based, nothing planable => crap

also the insta DDs are 114 delve damage .,... assuming you have the red proc that would be 24% (27,36) more dmg. thats a joke since recast is on 20 sec timer.
so the debuff only get its full potention in 1vs1 combat and is giving you a dmg bonus of around 120 dmg if you can hit the instas 2x and the debuff is applied with the first strike. so still not very mighty.

a castable debuff would not make the thane much stronger in 1vs1 but would give them a good boost in grp rvr
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