Can we have an ingame /title named "I voted" available to people who voted?

Started 17 Jun 2019
by Strikejk
in Suggestions
This way you can show people that you have done your duty to vote and nobody needs to persuade you anymore.
Maybe make it a temporary /title for current votes that will go away till the next vote is up to the task.
Tue 18 Jun 2019 7:47 AM by Sepplord
considering that there is no option that says "i like both" and that option is represented by "not voting" i don't want such a thing added

i am considering not voting as i am not strong leaning towards one option anymore and just want the best for the server, and have no idea which option that is
Tue 18 Jun 2019 1:17 PM by Topenga
Voting is a duty? In this case I don't think so.
And I have to give Seppel credit for not wanting to choose one.
I actually don't want one or the other either, because both options mean harm to the server.
You either loose one half of players or the other more or less.
Having NF on a classic setup was a mistake in the first place imho.
Unfortunately this can not be undone.
Tue 18 Jun 2019 1:41 PM by Caemma
A title is kinda useless, what would be useful is the possiblity to see how the voting is going... that would make people vote if they're interested in one specific side.

Apart from that, I really can't understand all those doomsday declarations around the server about a map... yes, a MAP.
I've my preference, and i recognize the Pro's and Con's of each map, but in the end what really matters are the gameplay changes, so stop being so dramatic about this...

And if you have no preference yet, just choose the less worse in your PoV.
Wed 19 Jun 2019 7:06 AM by Sepplord
Caemma wrote:
Tue 18 Jun 2019 1:41 PM
A title is kinda useless, what would be useful is the possiblity to see how the voting is going... that would make people vote if they're interested in one specific side.

Apart from that, I really can't understand all those doomsday declarations around the server about a map... yes, a MAP.
I've my preference, and i recognize the Pro's and Con's of each map, but in the end what really matters are the gameplay changes, so stop being so dramatic about this...

And if you have no preference yet, just choose the less worse in your PoV.

Knowing current voting results influences voters, so i don't agree that we should know the current standing.
I generally agree with the rest of what you said, but i am a bit confused what you mean with "just a map" and "only gameplay changes really matter"....
Doesn't the map HEAVILY impact gameplay? That's the whole point

The vote isn't about painting the milegates red, or replacing Odins-snow with green gras
Wed 19 Jun 2019 8:45 PM by Luluko
if the title is:
Make NF Great Again.
Make OF Great Again.

sure. What can go wrong....
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