Balancing RVR realm

Started 1 Jan 2021
by stripperrella
in Suggestions
Here are some neat idea to bring some control and balance in RVR player numbers.

Idea 1: everytime people switch realm they loose 500HP and need to xp Championlevels to get them back after a realmswitch.

idea 2: insert a Queue for NF zone. every 3 realms need to have balanced numbers +/- 30 players before the queue raises and more people from each realm can join..


Alb 150
Hib 149
Mid 160
... 5 mins. later

alb 152 ( if alb and hb raise rvr players to 160, the queue cap raise to 190 )
Hib 155
mid 170 ( 180 possible if alb or hib doesnt drop below 150) else people need to queue and hope to get in rvr!

i looks like much waiting for port?

well not if we balance all 3 realms than this number can be raising up to 300~ player in each rvr..

if you wanna make your daoc freeshard a fancy new learning thingy, just mix up the spell/style effects.. but not random. inda like (eld wizz rm) / ( bard healer cleric ) / ( ns infi sb ) just the spell effects or style effects. so people need to learn recognize enemies from the scratch. but guess that would be to fancy and costum.

PS: Edit: happy new year first thread 2021?
Fri 1 Jan 2021 12:25 AM by opossum12
Can we be free to play how we want? Not a fan of having someone forcing me to do x because it fits their views of the game.
Sun 3 Jan 2021 9:27 AM by stripperrella
stripperrella wrote:
Fri 1 Jan 2021 12:20 AM
Here are some neat idea to bring some control and balance in RVR player numbers.

Idea 1: everytime people switch realm they loose 500HP and need to xp Championlevels to get them back after a realmswitch.


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