Are the RP and Task changes given us a window to the future of this server?

Started 28 Oct 2018
by Vack
in Suggestions
DEV's I ask you this as it seems everything is emain now. The nerf to the tasks have made them irrelevant. Granted this is i50 and RR 5l9 instant, but hence my post topic. Is this what is going to happen 6-12 months after launch?

The best thing about the tasks were it spread RVR everywhere, and all types of rvr happened. I hope we can return to that at some point.

Perhaps going back to the rewards of tasks of the past and having three active (one in each realm) at all times. When a task is completed all three reset. IDK just trying to find a reason to RVR, because Emain is just PVP. Yes there is a difference.
Mon 29 Oct 2018 8:59 AM by Hedien
At this stage, pvp is happening in emain only because people don't want to try and chase someone somewhere it might or might not be. (waste of energy/time)
The inherent reason for emain being selected, is not because most would claim "we just want fun map", but mainly because rp gains in i50 weeks before release are moot and it is the "natural" reflex.

I foresee many players doing tasks at release when rp race starts.

In short, system is fine, current i50 is not representative.
However, to the devs, since many people are joining now, the current emain only phase might give them the wrong impression of Phoenix being yet another shard with no innovation. Which is clearly a wrong impression.
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