Allow Event characters to remain in Event zone between events?

Started 31 Jan 2021
by exveer
in Suggestions
Hi all,
Any chance we could let characters that were in the event zone stay in the event zone between events so we can continue where we left off last time?
I'm sure there are questions to answer, but it'd be nice to be able to continue my level 30 shaman, for example, rather than having a level 30 shaman that I don't really want to level normally (But am happy to wait til next event to continue).
Just a thought. <3
Tue 2 Feb 2021 7:04 AM by Sepplord
Also heavily encourage this, or something similar

Currently people who are unable to play for ~15hours within 3days of the event will never be able to take full advantage of the RP boost to jumpstart a new character at RR5+.
The ones that could need such a jumpstart the most, are the ones who will never be able to get it.
Being able to take chars from one event to another would make it like in other areas of the game, people who play less get their rewards later, but they eventually get it under similar circumstance overall compared to players with tons of time.

It would also make grouping easier for everyone (as after a few event you can have chars in many brackets), and i believe while that would also benefit the premades, it would also make it much easier for PUGs / guilds / alliances to form a group without having to dedicate for full 1-RR5 runs
Tue 2 Feb 2021 7:41 AM by elflord
This seems like a great idea.
Tue 2 Feb 2021 7:42 AM by poplik
One issue I could see would be making it to 50 and then picking up with rr6 chars the next event. So maybe implement some kind of cap on realm rank, or is that already in place?
Tue 2 Feb 2021 8:04 AM by Sepplord
poplik wrote:
Tue 2 Feb 2021 7:42 AM
One issue I could see would be making it to 50 and then picking up with rr6 chars the next event. So maybe implement some kind of cap on realm rank, or is that already in place?

AFAIK you already cap at 5L5. At RR5 the RP-multiplicator stops.
Not sure if you get kicked/ported out at RR5 though, or if you just stop generating RPs
Tue 2 Feb 2021 1:08 PM by DJ2000
I'm split on this.

The Event is to alleviate the chore it is to build/temp new toons and get them into RvR after big changes/patches or just in general.
The Event is not intended to house entire "careers" within.

A get-up-and-get-out approach, and not a get-up-and-stay approach .... so to speak.

But on the other Hand the Event itself is enjoyable for the majority of the participants, more so than the RvR experience itself, while there are also some that just can't invest the time to benefit from the Event to its full extent and can't end up with a lvl50 RR5 Toon (or more than 1) within the timeframe.
So, for them to want to stay in the "event" zone, it is understandable....

Yet I still do slightly tend to a "No" though.
Everything can and will become "stale" if consumed too much, to many times and/or in too short frequencies.
Wed 3 Feb 2021 1:33 AM by nero0102
I think this is necessary to get more people to 50R5. Especially those that aren't farming newbs to get multiple 50R5.

At the moment I will not reroll anything under 30 because there is a chance I can't catch up to my PvE characters. I considered sitting out of this event completely this time around because of the time constraints with it being during the week. In the future when I don't have any level 1s left skipping will be a reality.

Playing with friends as a group is also a hassle due to this. If someone misses the start or anyone wants to reroll they are stuck in autogroup for the rest of the event.

I would love to reroll a lot of my alts and stash them in the event. As it stands now, if I dont have a ton of time when the event pops it is not as appealing as it should be and maybe as it was intended to be.
Wed 3 Feb 2021 6:15 AM by Lasastard
How is it that everytime some people are given a hand, so to speak, they want the whole arm. The event is super fun for what it its. Sure, not everyone will be able to take full advantage of what it offers, but that still leaves a lot to be happy about. Imagine having to level a char the old fashioned way... even if you only make it to 40 in the event, you'd still have had more fun than mindlessly grinding mobs and you also get a ton of RPs for it.

The issue with allowing people to stay in the event is that this will eventually lead to certain level ranges to become over-populated, while players genuinely interested in quickly starting a new toon (which is the main idea behind the event, I reckon) will be left out in the cold since there won't be many people to play with or fight in the lower level ranges.

It needs to be this mad 3-day rush or it simply won't work and instead turn into some high-level BG (which is not what it is about, I reckon).
Wed 3 Feb 2021 6:30 AM by ExcretusMaximus
Lasastard wrote:
Wed 3 Feb 2021 6:15 AM
The issue with allowing people to stay in the event is that this will eventually lead to certain level ranges to become over-populated, while players genuinely interested in quickly starting a new toon (which is the main idea behind the event, I reckon) will be left out in the cold since there won't be many people to play with or fight in the lower level ranges.


We have a winner!
Wed 3 Feb 2021 8:23 AM by Sepplord
I don't think it is as clear cut as it is made out to be...
currently the only reason to start a new char in the event at a late point is to just have fun with the char. It won't get far anymore but it is still done just for the sake of it....why would that number decrease when the char even has potential to be used in later events too?
There would also be people that currently start in the low bracket everytime that wouldn't if they had a higher char, that's true too...but how those two population-influences weigh against each other is unknown

Lasastard wrote: How is it that everytime some people are given a hand, so to speak, they want the whole arm. The event is super fun for what it its.

Looking at something great and having ideas how to improve on it isn't "wanting the whole arm". I really don't think that saying fits this thread discussion.
Everyone in this thread so far is super chill and most have explicitly recognized that the event is awesome in it's current state too. And i agree that it is. Best levelling i had in an MMO since...i don't even know how long. And a jumpstart with RR? Even better. If they never touch the event-mechanics again it will still be among the greatest things this server has to offer (imo)
Thu 4 Feb 2021 3:08 PM by Cable
As a casual player, I would like this.
Fri 5 Feb 2021 12:30 AM by Sagz
ExcretusMaximus wrote:
Wed 3 Feb 2021 6:30 AM
Lasastard wrote:
Wed 3 Feb 2021 6:15 AM
The issue with allowing people to stay in the event is that this will eventually lead to certain level ranges to become over-populated, while players genuinely interested in quickly starting a new toon (which is the main idea behind the event, I reckon) will be left out in the cold since there won't be many people to play with or fight in the lower level ranges.


We have a winner!

This is true, this event makes it so a person has fun with all the early levels and gets rps. Most people are probably 45+ and RR3 or so by the time the event is over, if not 50, that is so much better than leveling 1-45 mindlessly and have almost no rps.
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