
Started 1 Feb 2019
by Turtle006
in Suggestions
I seem to recall a command on live where you could type something like /advisor and then you would be listed for anyone that needed help with the game. With the current limits to the advice channel I think that would be a good thing to bring back. That way, someone that wants to help can turn it on and someone that needs help can see who is available for them to /send for questions.
Fri 1 Feb 2019 9:14 AM by Relidar
This has been suggested before, but i don't know what the devs answered.

I completely agree though, this would be an awesome addition to the server. Especially now that so many new and returning players have joined us.

My only suggestion would be to make it a Forum/Ingame thing where the devs and/or the community pick these people. Trolling and meme'ing is such a popular thing these days (have a look at /advice and /region), it would suck to have people who only use this to troll others or even exploit them.
Fri 1 Feb 2019 6:00 PM by Turtle006
IMO, people troll in public channels because they want the attention. It is less likely someone will go to the trouble of getting /sends just to troll people. Ideally, however, the person asking for advice would ask questions to figure out why the advice they are getting is being suggested. Or, ask more than one person.

Having to be recommended by the devs or community is problematic because it then requires that person to be online and able to answer questions all the time. A slash command enables you to turn it off if you are busy with something that requires your attention, or just don't feel like it
Fri 1 Feb 2019 6:05 PM by Cadebrennus
Certain people get a lot more tells (PMs, DMs, whatever) asking for advice anyways when others see that they are online so why not make it an official thing?
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