The Beastcraft line is arguably one of the weakest spec lines on the Phoenix server. The buffs in the line are outdone by charges, and often the pet can actually heal your enemy more than it actually does damage.
I don’t want to directly compare BC to Pathfinding, but it is important to look at some similarities. The difference between the two is the BC line has a pet with a str/con buff, while PF consists of a self base str and damage add buff. This is all fine, but there is one head scratching difference. The spec AF buff in both are level 42, yet the Ranger’s AF buff provides a 64 value, while the Hunter’s is only of 52 value. If these were different levels, then it would make sense as it would match similar buff values across the rest of DAoC, but for some reason Rangers get an extra 12 AF for the same amount of points. The Dex/Qui buffs follow the normal logic, so I’m unsure why this AF buff doesn’t.
So, let’s have a look at how to make a hunter’s pet stronger to match the extra base str and dmg add buff the ranger has access to. The easiest way to do this would be to have the hunter’s pet automatically spawn with the str/con buff. Majority of the time, a hunter will not have their pet out, and if they do the thing moves so slow that the fight will be over before he even gets on the action. Most hunters will spawn their pet right when the action starts, making the str/con buff relatively useless. I think this would be a simple change and would make it virtually impossible for the pet to heal the enemy off armor procs more than it does damage.
Small Scale Changes:
-Up BC AF to match that of PF (Same level, same value).
-Spawn hunter pet with str/con buff already on.
Larger Scale Changes:
-Increase overall value of self buffs. Right now even if a Hunter puts 50 into BC for the 50 Dex/Qui value, it only turn into 62.5 (50 x 1.25), making it less effective than a charge and essentially useless. Also, no one would ever go 50 into BC unless it came with a stronger pet.
-Add more buffs to BC, or make red Dex/Qui more achievable (This is a bit far-stretched, but I’ll throw it out there).
-Increase level of Hunter's pet and charmable level (would be fun to see hunter's out there with some unique pets).
I don’t want to directly compare BC to Pathfinding, but it is important to look at some similarities. The difference between the two is the BC line has a pet with a str/con buff, while PF consists of a self base str and damage add buff. This is all fine, but there is one head scratching difference. The spec AF buff in both are level 42, yet the Ranger’s AF buff provides a 64 value, while the Hunter’s is only of 52 value. If these were different levels, then it would make sense as it would match similar buff values across the rest of DAoC, but for some reason Rangers get an extra 12 AF for the same amount of points. The Dex/Qui buffs follow the normal logic, so I’m unsure why this AF buff doesn’t.
So, let’s have a look at how to make a hunter’s pet stronger to match the extra base str and dmg add buff the ranger has access to. The easiest way to do this would be to have the hunter’s pet automatically spawn with the str/con buff. Majority of the time, a hunter will not have their pet out, and if they do the thing moves so slow that the fight will be over before he even gets on the action. Most hunters will spawn their pet right when the action starts, making the str/con buff relatively useless. I think this would be a simple change and would make it virtually impossible for the pet to heal the enemy off armor procs more than it does damage.
Small Scale Changes:
-Up BC AF to match that of PF (Same level, same value).
-Spawn hunter pet with str/con buff already on.
Larger Scale Changes:
-Increase overall value of self buffs. Right now even if a Hunter puts 50 into BC for the 50 Dex/Qui value, it only turn into 62.5 (50 x 1.25), making it less effective than a charge and essentially useless. Also, no one would ever go 50 into BC unless it came with a stronger pet.
-Add more buffs to BC, or make red Dex/Qui more achievable (This is a bit far-stretched, but I’ll throw it out there).
-Increase level of Hunter's pet and charmable level (would be fun to see hunter's out there with some unique pets).