What to do when you don't get credit for RVR tasks?

Started 26 May 2020
by Delegator
in Ask the Team
I've had this happen before, but it's happened twice today so I thought I'd ask: is there anything I can/should do when I don't get credit for an RVR tasks or keep take that I should have? As in, data I can gather, etc.? Or is it just a thing that randomly happens and that we have to deal with?

Today there were two distinct cases:
  • Taking a keep, I died at the rams while fighting incoming defenders. We took the keep, but despite being well within the radius (I would have been in oil range) I got no credit
  • After participating in maybe a half-dozen tower and keep takes during the 30 minute RVR task period, the RVR tick came and went, and I got nothing. The same happened to a groupmate, and we had definitely done damage to guards, been in rams, damaged tower lords
  • [/list]

    In the past I've missed out on realm tasks despite turning in branches/snow/soil, as well. When any of these things happen, is there any way to debug the issue?
    Tue 26 May 2020 8:40 PM by dbeattie71
    Had someone mention that in game but he’s always high so I figured it was that lol.
    Wed 27 May 2020 12:27 PM by Jagjrjo
    Just to be sure. Your character is at least level 35 ?
    Because that is the minimum level for getting task credits.
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