Theurg Class

Started 7 Jul 2018
by sleeve
in Ask the Team
I noticed during the Alpha testing the Ice / Earth pets were very weak.

I noticed an average of 100dmg on Ice Pets (|Lvl 25)
Earth pets were equally weak too.
Sat 7 Jul 2018 4:02 AM by Azozial
100 dmg pr PET at lvl 25 ???
And u can make 10-15 of them on 1 target...
How is that weak ?
Sat 7 Jul 2018 9:44 AM by sleeve
That genuinly is weak for pets in RvR vs 26% resists and no one dumps more than 5 pets on a single target 8v8.

The lvl 40 pets done the same damage just to clarify
Sat 7 Jul 2018 11:17 AM by Topenga
That damage is totally ok...lvl50 theurgist on Uthgard for example vs. enemy does 100-150 damage.
Remember, you are not the one to kill but to distract and keep the enemies occupied...
Sat 7 Jul 2018 12:42 PM by Dve
Topenga wrote:
Sat 7 Jul 2018 11:17 AM
That damage is totally ok...lvl50 theurgist on Uthgard for example vs. enemy does 100-150 damage.

well on uthgard it was 100-150, that makes on average 125. He said on the alpha they did averagely 100, which would be something around 75-125 damage.
That's 20% less damage, like 2 relics in uthgard setting and with red resist buffs it will get reduced by 26% again.

Topenga wrote:
Sat 7 Jul 2018 11:17 AM
Remember, you are not the one to kill but to distract and keep the enemies occupied...

Indeed, but dealing a lot of damage over time does not mean killing. People in general misunderstand that the ice pets also put a lot of healing pressure on the enemy side, not only interruption. Theurgist is actually one of the highest dmg output of an alb group, but his damage does not net in a lot of deathblows because it will get healed - it occupies actions of druids and healers. Playing a merc, i have to say that i often snatched a lot of deathblows from zerkers that hovered around 40% life just from ice pets on uthgard.

P.S.: I cannot confirm any of these numbers as I didn't play during the alpha. I'm just small talking about it right now in assumption that the original poster is right, and I might do some tests in a few months when lvl 50 is a thing during the beta.
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