Skill line hard cap on Phoenix

Started 5 Jun 2021
by bambou10
in Ask the Team
My guild and me searched a lot about this subject without find any validate answer.

Did the skill line have a hardcap on Phoenix ?

An exemple :
I'm a warrior I have put 50 points on axe and 50 points on shield, did I receive some advantages (shield : add 5.5 block / axe :more damage) from +11 points (to reach 61 points)?
The rog give a lot of value on +skill it can be a bit confusing.

If an admin can answer it could close the debate around this thema.

Sat 5 Jun 2021 9:15 AM by ExcretusMaximus
Unless I'm misinformed, the realm rank cap on Phoenix is 12, therefore the hard skill cap is 72. If it's 13 or 14, then the cap is 73 or 74, respectively.

As for if there is an effect for having greater than 50 in a skill, yes and no.

Passive skills like block and parry increase with each point in them, regardless of how high you take them, to their hard cap.

Active skills increase in damage the higher you take them, all the way to their hard cap. The exception to this is when you're using an advanced skill line (Critical Strike, Polearm, Dual Wield, etc), where the base damage comes to a stop at 52 total skill for the damage type you are dealing. If, however, you are using skills from a basic weapon line (Sword, Blunt, Thrust), they will increase in damage up to the hard cap.

I hope that made sense, it's 5:00 AM and I should be in bed...
Sat 5 Jun 2021 6:12 PM by Nephamael
I ran a test for style dmg a while ago, where my warden would do 6.67% more dmg with 65 composite vs 54 composite style skill level. (39 vs 50 weapon spec)
Sat 5 Jun 2021 7:01 PM by bambou10
Thanks for your two answers it's cristal clear ! 👍
Wed 9 Jun 2021 12:02 AM by marzzz
What about magic spec line above 50 ?
For example as an Eldritch, is there any difference damage wise between 50 mana spec and 50+11 mana spec ? if so, is there a cap ?
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