Save Off a frozen client for the launcher?

Started 30 Apr 2019
by Roto23
in Ask the Team
Is it possible to save off an existing client so launcher goes there and not live?

Let me also add...
Possibly go back to the previous client, save that off somewhere and make everybody use that?
Tue 30 Apr 2019 2:45 PM by Sepplord
I am sure they have considered that. It's not like that wouldn't be the obvious solution.

If it was possible they would have done that directly. And other freeshards too. The thing is, they cannot do that because of copyright reasons.
They can't just upload the game of someone else publicly for everyone to use

Also bandwidth costs quite a lot. I have no idea how it compares to serverload, but every players downlaoding a few gigs from their hosting would probably increase server costs quite a bit (but i don't believe that to be the main reason, maybe that is even a complete non factor)
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