Reaver Style Changes

Started 27 May 2021
by bigb21281994
in Ask the Team
just a simple question. Why are yall taking the only thing reavers have and making it obsolete ? are you trying to get every one to switch to hib or ? cause im baffled at the fact that you take away a POSITIONAL when everyone knows that flex dmg is nothing.
Thu 27 May 2021 4:03 AM by ExcretusMaximus
What is so hard for you people to understand about this being a multi-step process and them having only revealed the first step?
Thu 27 May 2021 4:16 AM by Kurbsen
can you show the link where it says levi was getting nerfed? cuz all i see is that levi was changed from cold to spirit, and given back and side snares.
Thu 27 May 2021 6:38 AM by Irkeno
Honestly what? It seems theyve left it.

Yes if they nerf the dmg or make it 2part on this server without reavers other toys (rr5, Banelord) then reavers will indeed be pretty useless, but right now it seems like they might be able to work better on a cabby debuff.

Maybe you read the charplan wrong?
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