Playing at work

Started 12 Feb 2019
by Ookie24
in Ask the Team

Basically long story short I play my shaman with my wife while at work and worry that it's going to look like a bit when in fact I am semi paying attention. Do chat logs count as activity or do I need to be actively trying to throw spells to show I am in fact a human? I know you can't get super detailed because people would try and find a way around it, just trying to find a happy medium.

Thanks for the answers
Tue 12 Feb 2019 8:08 AM by Sepplord
you don't have to do anything, but when you get tested by the GM you need to react and pass the test.
The general rule seems to be: if you are actually AFK for longer than 10minutes, better log out or risk getting tested. When you get tested and are still AFK you will be in trouble.

Looking like an active player certainly helps, but throwing a spell now and then doesn't do much as that's exactly what multiacounters do too
Tue 12 Feb 2019 1:55 PM by Ookie24
Yeah that's what I figured, just wondering about chat because it's usually easier for me to send her a message in group about stuff then focus on trying to cast spells. It would take a special kind of crazy to have a conversation with ones self about some of the stuff we talk about lol.
Tue 12 Feb 2019 2:02 PM by Sepplord
Ookie24 wrote:
Tue 12 Feb 2019 1:55 PM
It would take a special kind of crazy to have a conversation with ones self about some of the stuff we talk about lol.

True, but people go crazy lengths of efforts to be able to not play the game themselves
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