Started 7 Jun 2021
by Schaube
in Ask the Team
in Keep and towerfights this RA's are very powerfull. In my opinion, to many classes have access to them, at least its not balanced between the realms

NM: Thurg, Sorc, Necro, Caba, Menta, Ench, Animist, SM, BD
ST: Friar, Champ, Menta, Thane
TWF: Reaver, Warden, BD
ICHOR: Sorc, Necro, VW, Animist, Eld, shaman

Obviousely Hibernia has to most classes able to learn these abilities, followed by Albion and last Midgard.

I sugest to give Runemaster access to NM, and remove it from Sorc and Mentalist.

I think noone feels fun in towerfights when totaly spammed with these RA's. at least have the numbers more balanced.
Tue 8 Jun 2021 5:18 PM by Siouxsie
+1 to this
Alb and Hib are ezmode with tower fights
Tue 8 Jun 2021 7:07 PM by vxr
Give RM NM

Another reason to add valks.

Alb: 2
Hib: 3
Mid: 1

Or give SM ichor. Yes that sounds good.
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